Engineered Flooring and DPM


New Member
I need to lay floating engineered timber flooring on top of concrete that smoothed over old footing (due to an extension). Most of the concrete is very old (do to an old extension) and a part is a couple of months old (as i made the old extension larger), but it is not that deep. There will also be a very think slither of rapid set cement to make the riser of the new level change/step, flush.

My question is, should I put down a vapor layer or DPM, and down the riser? The other side of concrete is the old timber boards and a crawl space.

Liquid DPM are much better for flooring mate as if you sheet it then moisture will still sit on the back of the sheet or maybe go somewhere ya don't want it. Liquid DPM will let it out but at a controlled rate the floor can deal with.

If wana go belt and braces contact the flooring manufacturer and they will have a technical department who will advise you what to use.