Back to the Wifebeating
Jack enjoy your break in Belgium, I worked in Antwerp for about a year many years ago and had a wonderful time
I do not expect you to answer any of this until your return
DA thank you for your well intentioned advice in post 363 whereby If I modified the terms to a choice between my being a slapper or joker that would win favour with Jack, your attempt At mediation is admirable.
Why, thank you. I think.
DA this was point 4 from your post 360
4) JoT - as I hoped and also expected - was not swayed by my post an iota, but stuck to his moral guns and made it clear he didn't agree with me. (I am proud. And not surprised; he is a fellow Remainer, after all, and therefore naturally imbued with honestly and integrity).
Don’t you get it? of course Jack stuck to his moral guns and didn’t agree with you, he couldn’t cos if he did in his world he would have been made to look foolish and gullible, and he finds that totally unacceptable,
Hmmm. On what basis can you make that judgement of yours? Precisely - none. I'm sticking with my interpretation - which I reckon is more likely - thank you very much.
You may have seen the latest response from Jack and the goalposts have been moved to the issue now being that of my dishonesty which is the cornerstone of any real person, it appears Jack is utterly disgusted at the thought of my dishonesty it almost looks like he would prefer I were indeed a bully and wifebeater.
Don't be silly. 'Cos that is silly. Thank you.
Was I dishonest, well during a spoof or wind up telling porky pies pies is part of the game otherwise a windup/spoof becomes rather difficult.
Dishonest? Technically, yes. So JoT was correct. Mitigating circumstances 'cos it wuz a wind-up? Yup. But that doesn't technically change the technicalities. Ta muchly.
I will put my opinion in here, and it is that Jack who looks like he has accepted that it was a wind up, finds it very difficult to admit he was hoodwinked and leave it at that, so he is looking for a way out and that seems to be attacking my honesty in a misguided attempt to save face
I see nothing to indicate that JoT finds it hard to accept he was 'hoodwinked'; he knows he was (as was I) so it would be churlish of him to try and pretend otherwise (which he hasn't). I think he was just peeved at you making a 'joke' about a serious issue, to which he felt obliged to answer in a serious manner, and for you to then dismiss it all out of hand as a wind-up doesn't really do its seriousness enough justice. And, since you then primed yer mates (and me) to the fact that it was a wind-up - before they could answer with their own true opinions (I wonder what they would have been? Alas, we'll never know) - meant your wind-up probably wasn't offered in the true spirit of a bona-fide, level-playing field, wind-up - ie the famous give-and-take 'banter' to which some love to refer. It was, instead, very much one-way; more like a group of like-minded kids ganging round a couple of individuals. With yer mates sniggering like a typical bunch of hangers-on as befits all bullies (not that I think you are a bully...)
Here is a timeline of events, hopefully Jack will not come back with time wasting distractions of no relevance (somehow I doubt it)
Jack you asked me in post 340 “where any of the Brexiteers aware that it was a wind up my answer to you in post 344 was that when I put the original post on where slapping was mentioned no Brexiteers were involved, this I maintain is true
Yup, I believe you. But - wow - how intentionally misleading?! Yup, lots.
In your post 346 you say my post 344 was dishonest because in DA’s post 327 he admits he had been tipped off, around the time DA was tipped off 2 Brexiteers were also tipped off all within 2 hours of each other, and this was all after I penned the offending post 286
So my answer to you Jack in post 344 was truthful
(Cough) Which is why I noted your cunning wording very carefully...
You fully believed (or led us to believe) that other Brexiteers were involved from the outset of the wind up/conspiracy I consider I have now fully explained that they were not
I get this, Facs - I'm sure JoT does too. Why am I very confident that they were tipped off very shortly afterwards? Because they didn't stomp in with their size 12 hob-nails and say some embarrassing s*** (check out my 'wee island' thread to have a gander at what the usual suspects actually do on here given a chance. Or, when they haven't even been given a chance. They can't help themselves, man. They just march in and say 'stuff'.) Careful you don't become part of that scurrilous bunch, Facs.
I now believe I have fully explained the dishonesty issue I have been accused of, but unfortunately Jack I think that you will have difficulty walking away from this without having the last word in a misguided attempt to exonerate yourself and save face even though all the evidence has now been put before you
Oops - sorry. My replies suggest otherwise.
One more thing should there be some doubt about did he or didn’t he slap the wife, do you honestly believe I would come on here and mention it if the deed had really been done?
A touch sanctimonious, if I may say so. Answer is, Facs, I dunno. Many on here have shown themselves to be racist. And jingoistic. And staggeringly ignorant. And even threateningly violent towards their own kin (Mr Ha). And lots more besides. Not saying you are any of these, but that is the truth. So now we - the readers - are meant to be selective in what we interpret as the sincerity of other poster's comments? Wow, that's quite a burden. By 'burden', I mean 'easy get-out'.