Even more new forum groups...

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by WillyEckerslike, May 13, 2020.

  1. WillyEckerslike

    WillyEckerslike Screwfix Select

    In January I posted this topic originally trying to capitalise on trends at the time in an effort to help new users to the forum. My original suggestions are pasted below. It's evident that an update is required - some of them are possibly prompted by the lockdown in fairness.

    • Wiring my shed...
    • Painting over gloss paint...
    • Changed light fitting - now everything's dark - can't wait till summer...
    • How long before I die because I saw an asbestos lorry near town...
    • How to offer a curt, or better still rude, reply to an experienced person who has tried to solve my problem with only minimal information to go on freely of their own time and solely for my benefit..
    New ones
    • How do I connect my hot tub with this roll of SWA and a 13A plug (but please don't tell me anything that I might not want to hear)? This is absolutely miles out in front and almost worthy of it's own forum.
    • When can I collect my goods?
    • Why will the answers that the experts are about to give me not coincide with my elaborate preconceived ideas (which are clearly better than theirs)? Another regular this one...
    • I have decided to do something completely contrary to the advice I was given on here (you know who you are) and now I'm going to keep coming back with questions about how to do work I didn't need to undertake (that will leave me with an inferior installation) and either hope that everyone's too polite to remind me of this or, as they're clearly stupid anyway, they've forgotten who I am?
    Any others...?
  2. spannerw

    spannerw Screwfix Select

    Trolls. Why????
    gadget man and WillyEckerslike like this.
  3. Astramax

    Astramax Super Member

    Can't change my user name.
    Click and collect not working.
    I'll never use Screwfix again.
    Paint won't cover at all well and it cost £1.99 for a 10ltr tub.
    I've taken a supporting wall down inside my house is it safe to have done that.
    Last edited: May 13, 2020
    gadget man and WillyEckerslike like this.
  4. Abrickie

    Abrickie Screwfix Select

    • Cutting these timbers out of my roof is ok isn’t it.
    • No one is going to notice from my questions I’m taking on jobs I have a clue about and using advice from here to blag it
  5. Sparkielev

    Sparkielev Screwfix Select

    I have fitted a new thermostat and now the boiler PCB is in bits can I solder it ?
    WillyEckerslike likes this.
  6. Sparkielev

    Sparkielev Screwfix Select

    My sparkie is on holiday and he will be signing my work off when he comes back
  7. sparky steve

    sparky steve Screwfix Select

    I'm running all the cables and putting in back boxes etc. A sparky will take over from there but he's currently uncontactable so I can't ask him.
  8. Abrickie

    Abrickie Screwfix Select

    • I’ve read the suppliers/manufacturers instructions but I don’t want to do it that way, that’s okay isn’t it
    gadget man and WillyEckerslike like this.
  9. Abrickie

    Abrickie Screwfix Select

    • I’ve dug up this thread from 3 years ago, so some silly buggers read through all the posts, instead of starting a new thread
    gadget man and WillyEckerslike like this.
  10. Harry Stottle

    Harry Stottle Screwfix Select

    I've run out of 2.5mm grey cable, I've got some 2.5mm white cable,. Is it safe to use that?

    I want to blank off a 15mm copper pipe but I don't have an end stop, can I just flatten the pipe?

    I want to paint my front door grey but have no grey paint. I have a half tin of black gloss and a drop of white emulsion left over from when I painted the back door. I tried mixing them but even after I spent 3 hours stirring with a cross head screwdriver, they have still not produced the grey I wanted. Why?

    I don't like flowers in window boxes so I've put grass seeds in mine, now I want to mow them. Where can I get a motor mower 6 inches wide?
    WillyEckerslike likes this.
  11. Some you missed:

    Why wont water based paint stick to oil soaked wood.

    I'm running swa and water to my shed, will they be ok in the same subterranean pipe ?

    I have all the skills to do this job but need someone to hold my hand.

    How many sockets does it take to convert my shed into a living space ?

    I have an RCD protected holiday home in north Wales, will it be safe to run swa to my shed in Cornwall ?

    I have changed my light fittings and they do not work, I have no pictures so can you use your crystal ball and help me ?

    WillyEckerslike likes this.
  12. Abrickie

    Abrickie Screwfix Select

    • My foundation is 6m by 500mm and I want 200mm deep concrete, how much concrete do I need ?
    WillyEckerslike likes this.
  13. Abrickie

    Abrickie Screwfix Select

    • Rather than just google the answer I’ll post the question here
    WillyEckerslike likes this.
  14. quasar9

    quasar9 Screwfix Select

    I tried to replace my light switch with super smart home automation kit. Instruction book shows four wires but my old light switch only has two. What can I connect to the spare terminals to make it work ?
    WillyEckerslike likes this.
  15. Muzungu

    Muzungu Screwfix Select

    I need to build a house, is this something I can do or should I get a tradesman in?

    ...and how many bedrooms should I make it?
    WillyEckerslike likes this.
  16. Astramax

    Astramax Super Member

    No one has mentioned during this lock down period anything about cooking different types of meal using ready available alternatives or making use of leftovers, what about a cooking forum and a new category 'Screwfix Master Chef'............a whole new topic and associated questions.....could be a winner.;)
    Jord86, kitfit1, Abrickie and 2 others like this.
  17. Never mind cooking strange lock down food, we need a forum for lock down haircuts, more so for the bad ones.
    I never knew Mrs Tux had so many different sizes of pudding bowls, luckily I have an excuse to stay indoors :-(

    As for food, I managed to do a stir fry using broccoli, peppers, rice and spam, seasoned with 6 ho sin sauce that was 7 months out of date, its probably why the hair trimmer got an outing.
    Astramax likes this.
  18. Astramax

    Astramax Super Member

    Missing the fortnightly curry restaurant visit!:(
  19. I had to stop eating curry once the great bog roll shortage started, I make my own but weakening it to a safe level takes the enjoyment from it.
  20. WillyEckerslike

    WillyEckerslike Screwfix Select

    The curry or the bog roll?
    Abrickie likes this.

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