How difficult is it to buy a computer, any computer these days? If all she’s looking for is a sticker on the front saying Dell or HP, then go out and buy her one that has the aforementioned name on it. Problem solved.
You are one wee problem that hangs around. Anyhoo, JJ, it must boot up fast. And load basic stuff fast. That takes a little more than a label.
Why does it have to boot up fast though? Let the old dear switch it on, then go and make her cuppa. Return to her computer desk with the said cuppa and “voila”, it’ll have loaded and ready to go. This is where i would go for mine as there local but supply all over.
Thank you, gents. I suspect the SSD will be the single biggest contributor to fast boot-up. I'll check that out, Broon - cheers. We have a local company here too who have a good reputation, tho' not as fancy as your place There are some stonking bargains on t'Bay, tho' she wouldn't entertain anything with a whiff of 2-nd-user about it...
Have you looked at Novatech? I have dealt with them for years and never had any complaints
Honestly it loads of people are going away overboard. I have a phenom II, 1TB (cheapest I could get from PC World as the other drive just up and died) standard spinning magnetic platter drive, no SSD and 10gigs of old DDR3 ram, granted it does have a decent AMD graphics card, RX-480 if I'm not mistaken but the previous graphics card (another AMD one) can things like the latest Resident Evil just fine. It runs the latest games (except for the ones requiring SSL 4.2 for denuvo as the phenom line doesn't support it) on high settings without issue, usually in 2 or 4k. If all she wants to do is work related stuff, buy her a cheap desktop, no SSD, no just a cheap AMD cpu and get a motherboard with on-board graphics. They still do on-board graphics, right? As for OS, run win 7.
Just put a fancy case on it and tell her it puts out ten more gigajoules than any other pc on the market. Maybe say it has an R2D2 unit in it and the latest flux capacitors?
The wee PC fires up so quickly that the logon screen is showing before your eyes lift up from the 'on' button... Blasted Win 10, tho' - when I upgraded my own PC to '10', it took me ages to figure out how to make the Start 'tiles' look more like 7's, and I've since forgotten how. Surfing for this info is a 'mare. I'm trying to get it from: to: Can anyone help, please? I'd like to lose that vertical Tile column which shows all the Apps in alpha order, and replace it with the 'written' list of useful stuff as in the lower pic; Docs, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Settings, Power and 'All Apps'. Cheers.