Faulty Slow Start Module?

Discussion in 'Electricians' Talk' started by Mosaix, Jul 24, 2024.

  1. Mosaix

    Mosaix Active Member


    I have an electric chain saw (MCS2400). Yesterday it started intermittently cutting out then went totally dead.

    I've opened it up and the micro switches are working ok. There's something labelled XS-12/D3 that turns out to be a slow start module.

    I cant get any continuity between any of the wires.

    Do these things fail? Is it likely to be the cause of my problem?

    Thanks in anticipation.
  2. Bob Rathbone

    Bob Rathbone Screwfix Select

    Is it battery or mains, what make. I have a Bosch battery lawnmower with a brushless DC motor and an inverter, that went faulty last year and the mower stopped working, still in G tee luckily. In a nutshell, yes these things do fail, need to know more to give a better opinion.
    Mosaix likes this.
  3. Mosaix

    Mosaix Active Member

    Thanks @Bob Rathbone. It's mains. I've ordered a replacement module - only £7 so I thought it's worth a try.

    Should there be continuity across a pair of the wires?

    There's also a capacitor in there that I could replace if the replacement starter module makes no difference.

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