'Flog it' with 'lashings' of ginger beer.

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Astramax, Oct 13, 2015.

  1. Ryluer

    Ryluer Well-Known Member

    She claims to have voted UKIP if you read her posts.
  2. Precisely, Wry.

    That's my point - you cannot have it both ways. :rolleyes:
  3. Ryluer

    Ryluer Well-Known Member

    The point is I didn't say what her political outlook is.
  4. No, not specifically. But you did intimate that it would be different to mine.

    Which it is.

    So your shallow assertion that she's simply jumping on my high horse is quite contrary. Which it is. Which is what I was pointing out.

    So, you cannot have it both ways.

    Other than that, a greaaat point to make.

    Hmm, I think I'll try it; "Mr Ha - huh, you're just tugging on Wry's coat-tails - haven't you got a mind of your own?"

    Oh yes - I like that! :)

    Thanks again, Wry.
  5. Mr. Handyandy

    Mr. Handyandy Screwfix Select

    Heh. Nice try. Not falling for it.

    I disbelieve more than I believe. Simple as.

    But I still maintain that non-proof is not proof of non-existence.

    And I know(because I'm a realist) that God(any god) is not and never was a 'person'. Merely a figment instilled in peoples' minds as a means to lead and follow. All man-made.

    In my eyes, my god is a euphemism for 'good'. No person or entity, just the act 'good'. And if I don't do 'good' I don't expect reward.

    That's my god.

    Mr. HandyAndy - Really
  6. I like your gawd, Mr Ha :)

    (And that 'coat-tugging' was aimed at Wry; he tried that kind of falsehood, incorrectly, with Miss P, so I showed him how invalid it was by citing a similar thing with you. I hope you don't mind... :oops: )
  7. Mr. Handyandy

    Mr. Handyandy Screwfix Select

    No. That's why I said I'm not falling for it. I'm sure though it would have pleased you if I had retorted to the accusation!

    As I said above though, 'good' is my god. I have failed it many times(and I feel sometimes that I have been punished for my failures). It's fair enough. I deserve it.

    But I don't worship 'good'.

    I will mention God sometimes, but when I do, I mean the entity(or accident) that created everything(however it happened)!

    Mr. HandyAndy - Really
  8. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    If there was a God, having created such a wonderful world, he/she/it surely wouldn't allow us to destroy all that hard work, also would he/she/it allow horrible evil peeps live, I think not.
  9. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    This puts it very well.
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  11. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    In the nicest possible way :) that was a bit of a harsh post Andy pandy :eek: a little bit personal don't you think? Dev is human and I feel a pretty decent person, plus it is so unlike you Andy to go for the throat. You are normally quite passive aggressive :D
  12. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    Reckon I could have a bludy good go :rolleyes: how hard could it be?
  13. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    Us atheists tend to think for ourselves Ry. I have respect for Dev, as I have respect for many people. Would I face up to him and disagree at any given opportunity :) absolutely! Would I enjoy every second? Absobloominlutely!!! This has already been proved :rolleyes:
    Unlike you Ry I don't need a god :D
  14. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    Exactly! :)

    Sometimes we only have ourselves to look at, as painful as that may be (cough cough):D sorry :p
  15. parahandy

    parahandy Screwfix Select

    Anyone who uses "you can't prove god doesn't exist" as an argument for gods existence immediately loses that particular argument spectacularly.

  16. Aw, maaaan - you've just spoilt my best argument :oops:.

    And replaced it with something much better - I really must remember "Eric the Penguin" :)
  17. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    I prefer pufflings :) little baby puffins. So cute!
    I'm reading a book called " Little Beach Street Bakery" the woman finds a little injured puffling and that's all she has at the time, her only friend!
    Then she has to set him free, was very sad :( I cried buckets. Proper wet hot tears :eek: I'm such a wimp :mad:

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