Yes! This! What bludy difference does it make either way? That's what I was thinking last night. Whoever the he/she god (if there were one) they don't make a flying fig of difference to my life. They are looooong gone never to be seen again. I make my choices and decisions based on me and those I love, its a short list but nevertheless I do what I choose and if I get it wrong I suck up the consequences. I don't go running to thin air asking for forgiveness and all the rest of the old baloney. I live by what I as a person believe in and when I mess up I learn from it. Most of the time it can sometimes be a slow process I admit
I have to say I despise the likes of Farage and Salmond and that ilk. And Boris to some extent. The contrived 'blokey', beer-swiggin', straight-talkin' style. Glib sound-bites - they sound impressive at the time, but are found to be hollow when dissected. Chill about the news, tho'. Yep, it's hellish out there, and that is why I thank my lucky stars that (a) I live in this country (and especially this part of the country) and (b) I am alive in this time, and not even 100 years ago. Don't despair at the news - it is unavoidable.
And yet the bible says "But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows." That is the apparent detail to which gawd watches every one of us. He knows that you are sitting in front of a computer screen, watches and controls the hand moving to the mouse, knows that you will move the cursor slightly beyond the icon where you want it to be before moving it gently back to where it belongs. Knows you are thinking about another cup of coffee. Cause you to rise up from your seat. It was gawd who made you catch your toe on the chair's leg. He's now making you approach the kitchen door... If you truly believe the bible is the word of gawd - as you must if you are a true christian - then that is what you must believe too. Many still do, but most have been forced (yep - by rational thought...) to be a wee bitty more selective in what they chose to believe.
Unfortunately or fortunately (honestly couldn't tell you which) I was brought up and surrounded by the beer/whiskey swigging, most definitely straight talking (occasionally with their fists) yet hard working class type. Father slightly mellowed at some point due to age and mother turned into a dreadful fully blown snob after meeting money and hightailed it to a nice little smallholding in the country. Quite frankly I have always despaired of the pair of them This is why I say education is everything. It is massively important. My teachers were everything to me. I have such fond memories of them. It is my teachers I have to thank, most definitely. Still voted ukip though my bad As for the news - it gets a tad draining. Plus the way its often delivered and twisted in such manipulative ways gets up my nose. I end up being a real cynic. Its rarely just facts! It turns into a pantomime and I have a dislike for that. Too much spin for my liking. Clever bar stewards that think we are all thick
Thank you Miss P for that. Could I have permission to shove it up DA's anus? There you go DA. Straight from the horse's mouth(sorry Miss P). DA talks too much and is far too bigoted to listen too. And far too bigoted to even realise it. Seems to have whitewashed himself with self-righteousness and unique-correctness. Yes, you are not to blame, Miss P. We all are. I am certain that a debate at the pub could well encourage some to vote a different way, to take another path. Spell things out the correct way(without preaching) and who knows how far you would get! Mr. HandyAndy - Really
Priceless - you are the one claiming gawd exists, so the onus is on you to prove she does! Sorry, Wry - you'll have to do better than that ol' chestnut. A whole lot better. Or are you the type of person who goes around shouting "FAIRIES! Go on - prove they don't exist then!", "MAGIC THORNS - go on, prove they don't work!", "WRY'S BRAIN! Go on, prove it... ok, don't bother."
Looks like she's clamoured aboard your high horse. Not sure she will fit in with your left wing pompous bourgeoisie bohemiam metropolitian trendie friends in the labour party though.
No mate - you are the one claiming he does so - you know the rest. Gawd's existence cannot be either be proved nor disproved. But - thankfully - it doesn't have to be. It all comes down to what evidence we have for each side, or lack thereof. It comes down to probability. What is the probability that a gawd who exists only in a book written by men a couple of thousand years ago and which is full of silly things, nasty things and sheer contradictions, and has been censored and selectively translated over that time, and for which there is no other suggestion of her existence other than in this silly book, actually exists? Any more than any other fictional character. Like a leprechaun. The answer is very, very, very, very improbable indeed. In fact, gawd is no more probable than a leprechaun. Is that good enough for you?
But you are not right(correct). Rational thought says the universe is never ending. There must be something there for as far as ever and ever, even if is empty space. It's there. Forever and ever. Really? Prove it. You can't. Therefore it's not true ? Mr. HandyAndy - Really
That is what you are saying about God. Ry can't prove it, so it therefore follows that God doesn't exist until it is proven. Mr. HandyAndy - Really
Then you should probably zip it and let her respond. Then again not much point as it will probably be mostly your line of zealous thought re-gurgitated.
Eh?! Whether the universe came into existence for the first time 13.8 billion years ago, or whether it was only one of a series of 'beginnings', or even whether it's one of a series of universes is still to be discovered. What is it you are trying to say?
Make up your 'mind' Wry. First you say she has a different political outlook to me, and then you splutter that she'll just follow what I say. Vacuous cake - and stuffing yer face, methinks. Anyways, you are chust becoming plain rude. I like it - it's fun.
No mate Miss P is the one claimimg God doesn't exist. Since you have choosen to answer in her absence how is matter created from nothing? Science cannot explain it so what makes you think you can?