Foghorn sound - driving me nuts!! Help

Discussion in 'Plumbers' Talk' started by Kp090, Jul 11, 2018.

  1. Kp090

    Kp090 New Member

    Cheers mate, seriously really appreciate the link and all the advice!! The toilet ball comes up quite smoothly so hopefully when the loft tank is sorted the noise goes.

    I do need a decent plumber.. you’re not from Berkshire are you by any chance? Lol
  2. Dr Bodgit

    Dr Bodgit Super Member

    Surrey, not toooo far away but just DIY.
  3. just pumps

    just pumps Screwfix Select

    Recently swapped the Part 2 valve and cleaned the ball for an elderly neighbour rather than replace the washer. Left the section that connects to the tank alone and just unscrewed the valve from inside the tank and replaced that section, with the water turned off it took 10 minutes max.
    Heat likes this.
  4. Kp090

    Kp090 New Member

    Thanks a lot guys for all the help, went into the loft and it’s 100% the ball valve in the tank. Getting a plumber out today to replace it.
    Allsorts and just pumps like this.
  5. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Psssst - it's an easy DIY fix :)

    And you've done this already on your cistern :D

    But, of course, if you are happier getting a plumber in, that's fine.

    The 'thud' you mentioned when something stops filling is usually down to a certain type of filling valve, not the 'ballcock' type. The ballcock type tends to come to a slow stop as it fills, so no 'shock' when it finally shuts off. But there's another type of valve which looks very different and this fills at the same rate all the way up until it shuts off quickly. I think this type is more likely to cause the 'thud', although it shouldn't if everything is ok.

    Mind you, the noisy valve might also be 'loose' inside so this causes the thud as it moves when full.

    When the plumber replaces it, give it a test refill whilst he's there to see if that thud remains. If it does, he should be able to trace the cause quite easily, I'd have thought.
    just pumps likes this.
  6. Kp090

    Kp090 New Member

    I think the foghorn sound is gone and problem solved! Thank you so much!

    You guys were right.. it is a quick fix and I probably could have done it myself but either way that bloody sound is gone!

    The thud happens after the toilet is filled still but the guy said it’s not that loud anymore and seems all fine so I’ll let it be.

    Thanks for the help once again!
    Allsorts likes this.
  7. Still Hopeless

    Still Hopeless New Member

    An old thread, but I've got the foghorn vibrations AFTER putting in a new float valve. The previous one was silent but worn and the overflow was dripping constantly. All the same symptoms - noise happens as the cold water tank on the loft fills, but is eased by lowering the mains pressure (by opening a cold tap). Reducing the pressure via the main stopcock lessens the noise a bit, but the pressure is already quite low. How can a new valve be faulty?

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