Footings Help and BC


Hello all,

I have inherited an extension job, long story but original builder is out of the picture.
It is rather large and going to be timber frame 2 story extension. Customer was told that footing and drainage has been signed off by BC. I spoke to BC to check and that is not true. The footings in place I would be sceptical about building a single story on let alone 2.

BC are coming out as they are not happy with what I have told them and I dont really want to meet with them without some possible ideas.

What are options with increasing footings? Can there be additional concrete fill added? (id have concerns with bonding two "pours" together)

Almost an underpinning like fix? Pouring more fill after undermining the existing footings?

Break everything out and start again?

Cheers for any advice or replays.
So much depends upon what the subsoil on which the footings were cast comprised. I'd do some trial holes down the side to ascertain the depth of the pour and what it sat on. If it's solid enough, chalk or undisturbed sub-strata then the building inspector may well want to see that and he could well allow an additional pour on top if the first was not to the correct depth.