Forum bickering

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by wiggy, Nov 10, 2016.


Do you think there is too much forum bickering

  1. yes

  2. no

    0 vote(s)
  3. lets all meet up and have a proper barny

  4. HA loves DA

  5. Agree to disagree

  6. Who do you think you're talking to son

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  1. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Sparkin! was the loony and Lokkars Daisy had his moments, Dick Puller could be amusing and of course the inestimable Tom Plumb.
    Deleted member 33931 likes this.
  2. wiggy

    wiggy Screwfix Select

    who said that
  3. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    He just changed his name and came back on again.
  4. wiggy

    wiggy Screwfix Select

    I say audi evo again.
  5. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Audi evo was a cracking member but hasn't posted for years.
    I forgot to mention JP who has also been on here longer than me.
    I just noticed that Devs is a top ten most post under 2 different names!
  6. Joe95

    Joe95 Screwfix Select

    The immortal Dev...
  7. wiggy

    wiggy Screwfix Select

  8. wiggy

    wiggy Screwfix Select

    We know you are Dev, the boys have been pm ing all night about it , games up son
    Deleted member 33931 likes this.
  9. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Just realised that the most number of trophy points you can get is 113, I have no idea why or what they are for.
  10. Joe95

    Joe95 Screwfix Select


    Thats somthing Chippie, under most likes....although i expect Dev to brag now...:D
    Deleted member 33931 likes this.
  11. wiggy

    wiggy Screwfix Select

    Thats a fake, never happened
  12. Joe95

    Joe95 Screwfix Select

    Haha i am no imposter. I have yet to sing praise about Dev, something all of Dev's aliases have all done!
  13. wiggy

    wiggy Screwfix Select

    Its ok, no problemo
  14. Joe95

    Joe95 Screwfix Select

    I have also noticed all of Dev's aliases are all Female and 43, so i will now assume all 43 year old women are Dev.
    Deleted member 33931 and wiggy like this.
  15. wiggy

    wiggy Screwfix Select

    scrub that
  16. wiggy

    wiggy Screwfix Select

    This really is a random ******* post
  17. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    I'm married to Dev's :eek::eek::eek::eek:
    Deleted member 33931 and Joe95 like this.
  18. wiggy

    wiggy Screwfix Select

    That was a given
    longboat likes this.
  19. wiggy

    wiggy Screwfix Select

    Its been a long time paul
  20. Joe95

    Joe95 Screwfix Select

    2 Within one week! Good enough...
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