If you were anywhere near a rave at the time it would have been impossible to have not known about the bill so I take it your first paragraph is very tongue in cheek
As for the second paragraph, of course not everything in the bill was 'bad law'. Some of it could very reasonably be said to be 'good law'. The Act criminalized male rape for example. But things like stop and search were stuck in there and I'd be surprised if you need examples of how that's been abused. Sections of the bill were directly aimed at protestors, it effectively criminalized direct action. You may not agree with hunt sabbing or road protests or things like the Standing Rock protest in the USA but the freedom to do these things are fundamental in a 'civilized', 'free' society. Remove this as the act did in Britain and you have stepped massively toward the authoritarian State. The act Criminalized travellers. You may not agree with people choosing to live in a bus or a bender but again, remove the ability to do this and you are stepping away from a 'free', 'civilized' society and toward an authoritarian State. These two aspects of the Act haven't necessarily been "abused", they've been enforced. The effect has been profound and further legislation has since been added on top. The effect being to clamp down on dissent, to restrict people's freedom to live however they see fit and to make criminals out of people who people who had previously not been classed as such. A knock on effect of this was to add more burden to the Police, to stretch their resources and yes make it harder for them to catch actual bad guys. I could go on of course but this is all a bit of a tangent from my initial point...that point being that representative democracy isn't about MPs expressing the will of their constituents.
In fact I'd be surprised if anyone does actually really think that MPs do that. Maybe the odd independent but in the main, no. They represent their parties, they are subject to whips, subject to the lobbying of business and capital (I bet no big business lobbyist has ever been tolchucked when attempting to exercise the right to lobby) and as was recently highlighted with Brexit and the whole 'Royal Prerogative' issue...actually representatives of the Crown/State.