The world has, indeed, changed, Harry - and amen to that.
I was a kid in school at the time of corporal punishment, and - yes - I generally did as I was told 'cos I feared the consequences.
I obviously did get the belt on occasions, sometimes unfairly, and I can certainly remember the unfair ones with resentment to this day.
Thank t'lawd that when I became a teacher, the belt and cane had been outlawed. I cannot comment whether it would have helped me instil discipline 'cos I don't know. All I do know is that it would most likely have been used as a substitute for proper behaviour control. And I'm sure I would have relied on it, 'cos I did find some classes bludy awful...
I am quite sure I was ultimately better off for not having that option, not least 'cos I simply could not imagine myself inflicting pain on a child, however much they'd would me up. I think I'd have been ridden with guilt afterwards. And I could imagine there would be a look in their eye that would speak volumes - 'you are a bully, and I lose respect for you with each swing'.
FE lecturing, with respect, is a different kettle of worms. These kids generally don't have an entitlement to be there; they have chosen and asked it. So, if they don't want to play ball, they can be told to f'off.
Believe me, it is not the lack of "Do as I say or else..." with the threat of punishment that leads to anti-social kids. Almost the opposite - we all know that these things go in circles, so if you beat your child or wife or whatever, they are likely to do that themselves too. That doesn't lead to well-balanced people, even if most of them claim later that 'it did them no harm'.
It does, and it did.