Govie babes.

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Deleted member 33931, Dec 9, 2017.

  1. My choice of descriptor was not designed to flatter you (tho' it does) or to get under your skin (although always a bonus) but to say things as they are.

    You actually imagined (or made up to suit yourself) that JoT or I would 'diss the Mogg simply because he's wealthy and privileged? Or even just because he's a Brexiteer?

    Longs, by now you know us better than that. Just as we know you (not in the biblical sense, of course).

    You need to examine the guy you would clearly happily vote for a bit more closely. His plummy manner, born of wealth & privilege, ain't cute or quaint or enchanting - it masks the problem with the guy. He's a bigot (and I use that term where it's correct & appropriate).

    The problem with the Mogg is not his background but that he's allowed it to colour his ideology and principles; he hasn't risen 'above' what his privilege has given him.

    You do know that our society is well unfair? Yes? You will surely accept that? It is meant to be 'fair' - a land of equal opportunity and equal equality (I reckon that makes sense...). But, in practice, it ain't. Those who have, get more. Those who don't, suffer more. In general. Women do not have equality. Neither do many other groups.

    You will surely acknowledge this as a truism, Longs? Cool.

    Well, just you wait until the Moggs gets given power.

    That is why he is not suitable PM material.

    And because he's a rabid Brexiter. And shares ideas with Bannon.

    And that's why for you to 'call' our judgement on this as you did makes you either wilfully ignorant or a pernicious slimeball.

    To help you chose, I'll make it easy - it's both.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2017
    Deleted member 164349 likes this.
  2. "Not really"

    You don't see the similarities?

    Ok, that explains everything.
  3. Yes, let's.

    For once.
  4. "No can you?"

    That explains everything.
  5. Your 'acceptance' of this amount is the biggest 'cave' since May got slapped by the Irish Republic, the DUP and the EU over borders.

    The u-s on here don't even have principles they can stick by.

    Although, to your credit, the acceptance of this sum was inevitable, so I guess it made sense for you to pretend it's worth it.

    Sadly for you, it won't be worth it - 'cos you are STILL not going to get what you were after. That is also inevitable.

    It's gonna be as soft as the mutton between yer ears.

    Which is why this whole thing is a complete debacle. An imbecilic act of self-harm. It'll do NOTHING for the UK except damage it.
  6. The swerves are beginning, no, accelerating.

    Not so long ago it was, no deal is the best deal! And, dont pay a penny, we dont owe anything!. And, our borders are so important!

    Now, its we want to pay to keep the deals we have got (what? Why ?), And, yes thats a reasonable amount, and, who wanted the borders?
  7. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    DA what are you suggesting? We move over to "Communism ?" Ahh yes Communism is fair, (or is it?) Some have to be more equal than other though as someone has to lead, and there is a hierarchy within all societies.

    Nothing is ever fair though DA. Life certainly isn't. In a completely equal society, we'd all be rewarded exactly the same. (think about that for a moment,, this means the unemployed would receive exactly the same re-compense for sitting on their sorry a***s all week as you would for standing up in front of their screaming offspring all day) That I'm sure you'd agree, would not be fair at all.
    Life is a lottery DA, there's winners and there's losers.. Get used to it. ;);)

  8. I dont think anyone is suggesting Communism, or everybody to be fully equal, just more fairer.

    You know, just like Mrs May promised.
  9. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    DA did actually state
    (or did you miss that little gem in there?)

  10. I saw that, you translate that as communism?

    I didn't. I saw it as an equal chance for all, not a helping hand for the rich and no chance for the poor. You know, equality.

    There is nothing wrong with wealth in itself, that is not the issue, although a lot on here seem to find that jealousy of wealth is the issue. It so totally is not, as you really should know.

    The problem with the wealth is the divide (you must surely accept the divide?) and the exploitation of many (normal people) to increase that wealth.

    A Pareto analysis of the wealth of the UK, and of the World as a whole is very interesting though.
  11. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    All depends on your perspective though Jack. Someone could be poor because they are feckless, workshy shysters.
    Do you think it's fair that your Managing Director or owner of the company you work for , makes his wealth by paying you x amount of money for doing your job but charges customers y amount of money for "your" work? See, you're being exploited simply by having a job. As I said previously, life itself is inherently unfair in many respects. I accept that,,,, (still doesn't stop me having a moan about it, even though I can't personally do a lot about it, but DA takes that moaning to another level).
    I'm sure we'd all like to own our own home, earn £40,000+ a year, have a nice car, etc, etc. I'm also sure that a lot of people are perfectly happy with their lot in life. Know their limitations and change their expectations , based on those limitations.
    longboat likes this.

  12. You just keep doffing your cap as your lord and master saunters by and lets you dig through his rubbish bin for a few scraps eh ? Oh and remember to say thank you for your opportunity.

    What dont you understand about equal opportunity? It doesnt mean equal wealth.

    Someone could be poor because they are feckless, workshy shysters.

    Undoubtedly, but somebody can be rich and feckless, workshy shysters too. Its about opportunity, not the reward of something for nothing.
  13. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    I refer the right honourable gentleman to the answer I gave previously.
    Christ, I bet you wouldn't bow to the Queen either ,,, would ya? (remember that when your receiving your MBE from her, for services to Remain) :D:D:D:D

  14. You really do fail to understand equality of opportunity dont you?

    Go back to Mrs Mays comments? See what she wanted and promised?

    And bow to the queen? No, why should I, but I would talk civilly to her. She is no different to you and me, other than who she was born to/by. That does not in itself make her a better person. It does appear to make her more equal than me though.
  15. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    A real Corbynite you are ain't you.

    No wonder you are a Remoaner, no respect at all for anything British.
  16. JJ, stop it. You are outdoing Longs in the wilfully pernicious stakes. With cream on top.

    Not that you deserve a reply, but hey...

    Communism? That's the only alternative to an equal-opportunities society?

    I think I'll stop there before your crass ignorance makes me say something rude.

    And your answer to our currently rampantly unfair society is "Shucks, life ain't fair..."?

    There's winners and losers? Sure are - Moggs is winning, and you are losing. As will the NHS et al.

    You utter twit.
  17. Or did you miss the little message in the brackets immediately after my 'gem' (Thank you - it was)?

    JJ - don't for a second try and pretend you are as smart as me. I'll embarrass you further.
  18. Point out where either Jot or I am a Corbyn supporter?

    Point out where I have made it clear I am not. (That one is easy...)

    Now stop Longsing.
  19. Plain and utter tosh.

    Corbyn supporter, what drivel.

    The person that should be leading the country now is a Tory! Clarke! Couldnt be much further away than what you just said, could you.

    You havent got a clue about equal opportunity either, have you?
  20. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    DA, you know it as well as I, Society will never have true "equality" in any sense of the word. Certainly won't ever have "equal equality".

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