Govie babes.

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Deleted member 33931, Dec 9, 2017.

  1. Any bonus in a storm, Longs.

    Fill yer boots.

  2. Why dont you read the reasons, not what you keep wanting me to say?

    Rich and brexit are not the reasons.

    How many times ?
  3. Mr. Handyandy

    Mr. Handyandy Screwfix Select

    Nah 'cos gawd!

  4. Nope, but I knew Brexit wouldnt be as simple as you thought it would.

    Or be of any benefit to the average person.

    In other words, I thought about it
  5. What a poor memory.

    The risk to the Good Friday Agreement and to Scottish Indy were amongst two of many reasons I gave on here for Remain, pre-ref.

    (I'm also happy to post the collection of the u-s' Leave 'points' since I found them again recently. Wanna see them? They included 'peanuts'...)
  6. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    You've got me, under your skin.

    What a bonus.
  7. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    DA, the day society actually becomes completely equal in every meaning of the sense, will never happen. Equality, suggests some sort of state where every single thing is equal. Naturally we are all different from each other, have differing needs, wants and limitations. Shall we look and see what’s the chance of someone with Downs Syndrome, going to university ? Go on, tell me .. Now tell me why a larger percentage of these people haven’t gone. Is it because they were disadvantaged whilst in education? Disadvantaged when growing up? Disadvantaged for some other reason? . Nah, you just cannot accept that each individual has limitations in life. You seem to live In some sort of Utopia, where everyone can reach the same potential as everyone else. One where everyone just has to have the same expectations as everyone else. True equality would only come about if we were genetically identical to everyone else,, and what a boring world that would be. It’s you that doesn’t “ get it” DA.
  8. Jeez, that's some outpouring there, JJ.

    Including Down's in your argument now?

    Who do you think you are kidding? You know exactly what I mean, but let's not let that prevent you having a petit mal on here.

    What a warped argument - and made in support of the divisive Mogg.

  9. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    DA, I have merely pointed out one of the flaws in your “equal equality” statement and why we can’t ever be truly equal. If you want to change your meaning, then by all means change it.
  10. Equal opportunities, JJ.

    As close to a level playing field as possible. Then peeps can achieve what they are capable of.
    Deleted member 164349 likes this.
  11. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    Ahh, I see. You’re not on about “equal equalities “ now ? Why didn’t ya say so right at the start man? I’d like the opportunity to become a fireman, but guess what,,,, I’m only 5 ft 6 inches tall, so I’ve been denied an equal opportunity to become one. Who do I complain to ? Nah tell ya what DA, I just accepted that I’d never be a fireman. I never complained once. I never had anyone complain on my behalf ( nor never wanted anyone to) You just keep moaning to yourself about all these perceived “ inequalities” DA and just let others get on with living, without complaining.
  12. Harry Stottle

    Harry Stottle Screwfix Select

    There's no doubt that JJ writes a lot more sense than DA. It's quite plain that some of us are disadvantaged, not because the system works against us but because of luck. It was luck that I was born British, it was luck that I wasn't born with a physical or mental defect. British people who are seriously disadvantaged are generally helped along the way by those who are not.
  13. :rolleyes:

    Its good to see that the British are the best people in the world.
  14. As well you knew, JJ.

    Don't fib. You know.

    You know what type of Labour party I support - one of regulated capitalism (from whence we get our wealth), industrial and technological innovation - all coupled with a fair tax system with a social conscience. (That'll be Blair's, then... :p)

    For you to try and suggest otherwise is, well, very very silly by even your standards.

    You must have wet yourself at the self-made opportunity you thought you'd given yourself. As if you had any chance of getting away with it.

  15. 'Generally', are they?

    How generous of you.

    And yet you voted for a near certain damaging of our economy, and an almost certain reduction of our human rights.

    The 'rony doesn't even begin.

    You are so filled with ignorant and cynical hate of the EU, that you don't 'get' what's it's all about. The advances it has made for our society.

    This is mind-numbing stuff.

  16. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    The institution is Norman French.


    Did you never wonder why the motto is in French?

    The Nazis boasted of creating a thousand year reich - a realm that would last a thousand years.
    They failed.
    The feudalism installed by the French survives to this day, nearly a thousand years later.

    It may have taken them a thousand years, but it appears that some Englishmen now cherish their foreign system of rule.

    You can keep your tugging of the forelock (or whichever part it is that you like to tug), your European system of government and your wine.
    I'll stick with my beer, the witan and my Anglo-Saxon heritage.
    An heritage which is... ummm... largely Germanic and Danish actually.

    But don't tell me that I have to respect a monarchy to be English. Disrespect for authority is what makes me English.
    Now then, who's for mead?
    Jord86 likes this.
  17. The thing is the french done the right thing and abolished their monarchy.

    We are stuck with the freeloading, benefit scrounging, german saxe-coburg and gotha family that cost the country a fortune to keep.

    What amazes me is the sycophantic cap doffers and wavers who cannot see them for what they really are,a bunch of freeloading parasites.
  18. A touch harsh, Dobbs?

    As appalled as I am by the previous (currentish-aging) generation such as Andrew (slimeball), Edward (pointless), Charles (loon) and Margaret (frosty), I am simply not that exercised about them as I can accept that they earn the country more than we put in to them. And the poor saps didn't exactly choose their lifestyle.

    Provided they continue to go in the direction that they currently appear to be going with the new generation - solid, personable individuals in their own right, and happy to do their own thing as far as they can including earning a living (until the Royal job takes over), then I am even more relaxed about how long it takes to become a largely none-freeloading household as they are in some other countries.

    I think it's bound to happen gradually, isn't it? Bit I have no desire to 'abolish' or have any other knee-jerk reaction. Let it evolve...

  19. Agree.

    At no point did I say abolish or remove them.

    But they are just people. I do not feel the need to bow and scrape.

    But happy to accept and to be civil.

    I dont agree with Deleted member 11267 per se. But I do accept that the queen is 1 of the wealthiest people in the world, and the system still feels the need to take tax off each taxpayer to keep such a lifestyle going. They do bring in the country more than they cost probably (does that include the chinese souvenirs of them that get sold?), but they should be self financing.

    It does need to evolve, and probably a little quicker than it is doing.

  20. Interesting thought there for a few that hate the benefit scroungers :eek: that they keep mentioning.

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