Help wiring 3rd gen nest heat link

No I mean the two stat wires in the wall are needed to power the nest stat if he is hanging it on the wall, the two stat wires are used to deliver the 12v for the nest. the two stat wires will come from the old wiring center in the immersion cupboard
Yes I know what you are saying. But the location won’t be the same place, so are you leading him to rewire the Wiring centre to utilise the old demand wires to connect to the old stat wires to connect to the 12v… a bit of a complicated solution for a novice??
So if they are not the two stat wires in the existing clock is there a simple way to connect it up so I can have the nest on the wall using the existing stat wires for power? Otherwise it looks like will need to pay for installation
You need to identify the two stat wires in the wiring centre in your imersion cupboard and identify the HW on and HW off wires and join them together in the wiring centre to use these two wires for your stat
Mate not been funny here but I am a registered nest pro and it is a simple job to do for a spark. you mention these are battery powered?
Absolutely right. A simple job for a spark. If the OP was a spark do you think he’d be on here asking for wiring advice. i wasn’t being funny either.
Yes I know what you are saying. But the location won’t be the same place, so are you leading him to rewire the Wiring centre to utilise the old demand wires to connect to the old stat wires to connect to the 12v… a bit of a complicated solution for a novice??
I know but he can use the HW on and HW off wires to the stat. that is what I am saying, it is straight forward and simple but you need to know how to identify the cables
So I really need to learn how to identify wires before I can proceed to rework the existing wiring to connect it to the wall and replace existing stat. I’m guessing it’s a nest pro installer job and not as simple a swap as hoped.
So I really need to learn how to identify wires before I can proceed to rework the existing wiring to connect it to the wall and replace existing stat. I’m guessing it’s a nest pro installer job and not as simple a swap as hoped.
It can bee made more simple if you want to purchase the nest stand and simply plug it in, but if you want to mount the nest stat onto the wall over your existing stat position, then you have to identify the hot water on and off cabes and the old stat wires in the wiring center. So four wires in total then it is a really simple case of putting these wires into two chock blocs to use. All of the wires are there it is just a case of finding them in the wiring center'
Ok, if I get a stand do I need to still run a cable from the live choc block into number 2 as well as live on the heat link and do I just put the two cables in the existing stat into a separate choc block.

Is wiring so I can use the existing stat a quick enough job for a best installer or is it complicated and going to cost a lot to do?
Ok, if I get a stand do I need to still run a cable from the live choc block into number 2 as well as live on the heat link and do I just put the two cables in the existing stat into a separate choc block.

Is wiring so I can use the existing stat a quick enough job for a best installer or is it complicated and going to cost a lot to do?
A nest pro will charge you around £100 to fit it for you, we charge from £90 to £110 depending on what is required.

it is a very simple job

I’m not one to give up so easily, so just want to clarify you mention I need to find the hw on and off wires in the cupboard, can you please just confirm my understanding below.

If I locate in the cupboard the two wires that connect to the hw on and ch on (these are the two wires in 3 and 4 on the Honeywell), then find in the cupboard the two existing stat wires and basically connect these up so I have two wires running from the stat which will be the ch on and hw wires in the Honeywell clock and these then go in the T1 and T2 of the nest making the 12v connections.

I then put all the clock L and N into the 2 choc blocks and have a single wire from the N block to the N on the nest and same with live but then have a second live to number 2 on the nest (manual mode I assume this allows you to turn the heating on pressing the heat link button on WiFi outages)

Is this all correct?
If so I assume I can use a length of cable and multimeter to do a continuity test on each of the wires to locate them.
I’m not one to give up so easily, so just want to clarify you mention I need to find the hw on and off wires in the cupboard, can you please just confirm my understanding below.

If I locate in the cupboard the two wires that connect to the hw on and ch on (these are the two wires in 3 and 4 on the Honeywell), then find in the cupboard the two existing stat wires and basically connect these up so I have two wires running from the stat which will be the ch on and hw wires in the Honeywell clock and these then go in the T1 and T2 of the nest making the 12v connections.

I then put all the clock L and N into the 2 choc blocks and have a single wire from the N block to the N on the nest and same with live but then have a second live to number 2 on the nest (manual mode I assume this allows you to turn the heating on pressing the heat link button on WiFi outages)

Is this all correct?
If so I assume I can use a length of cable and multimeter to do a continuity test on each of the wires to locate them.
Nearly that mate. you use the HW on and HW off NOT your CH Wires for the STAT
I’m not one to give up so easily, so just want to clarify you mention I need to find the hw on and off wires in the cupboard, can you please just confirm my understanding below.

If I locate in the cupboard the two wires that connect to the hw on and ch on (these are the two wires in 3 and 4 on the Honeywell), then find in the cupboard the two existing stat wires and basically connect these up so I have two wires running from the stat which will be the ch on and hw wires in the Honeywell clock and these then go in the T1 and T2 of the nest making the 12v connections.

I then put all the clock L and N into the 2 choc blocks and have a single wire from the N block to the N on the nest and same with live but then have a second live to number 2 on the nest (manual mode I assume this allows you to turn the heating on pressing the heat link button on WiFi outages)

Is this all correct?
If so I assume I can use a length of cable and multimeter to do a continuity test on each of the wires to locate them.
You need to re read my posts again as you nearly have it but you have quoted HW on and CH on. it is not these at all. It is however HW on and HW off the two that need joining onto your stat wires in the wall

Ok, but the existing wires in the Honeywell are ch on and hw on, so assumed I use these, I just use the hot water one currently in position 3 on Honeywell clock and then likely I will find the other wires stuffed in the wall behind the clock and one will be the hot water off. And then I just stick the ch on wire in the Honeywell clock number 4 into a choc block to cap it off.
Ok, but the existing wires in the Honeywell are ch on and hw on, so assumed I use these, I just use the hot water one currently in position 3 on Honeywell clock and then likely I will find the other wires stuffed in the wall behind the clock and one will be the hot water off. And then I just stick the ch on wire in the Honeywell clock number 4 into a choc block to cap it off.
Oh hang on mate I am getting confused here now, let me check your pics again to be sure