I am trying to get a copy of an invoice from Sep2019 to have my drill repaired under warranty but SF are telling me that they can't access invoices from more than 18 months ago without knowing the order reference.
I originally placed an order online so I have that invoice in my emails, but when I was in-store for collection I upgraded the drill and paid extra money by debit card but the invoice for this updated purchase was not emailed to me.
Does anyone know of a way I could get hold of this invoice?
In fact, Screwfix often mislead consumers over this. Yes… they do keep online records for 18 months... Heck they could keep them for a week or ten years, there is not law about that.
There is a law however how long they keep invoices, REGARLDESS OF ONLINE OR NOT. They like to conflate the issue of on file and online.... so when they tell you truthfully that they have only got the Invoice online for 18 months, they forget to tell you they have them on file, and allow you to infer that they do not!
Naughty, naughty, to mislead by omission is an offence…! Here is the Law for records... Screwfix will try to mislead you by answering the wrong questions, so don’t ask if your nvoice is online, ask if they have a copy of your VAT invoice and tell them you want a copy.
To do this is contrary to The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regs 2008... And as the invoice contains your name and address you can use the GDPR to request it. A simple Subject Access Request for your invoices and they must respond in one month. If they fail you can go to the Information Commissioner and report them.
So come on Screwfix, play the game, these are customers looking for help... not bandits... people lose invoices, change emails and phones etc...
Here is guidance for you from HM Gov.
Keeping records of your invoices - the basics
All businesses should keep business records that detail their financial transactions. This will help the owners to keep track of their performance and manage their taxation. To be able to do this, records of
all client invoices must be stored and available for inspection.
This is legally required by HMRC.
How long to keep business invoices
In the UK, invoices are legal documents that the issuing business must keep for 6 years from the end of the financial year it was issued. This rule is applicable for both the sales invoices the business sends to customers, as well as purchase invoices it receives from its suppliers.
How long you must keep records
Begin keeping records when you register for VAT.
You must keep VAT records for at least 6 years
Records you must keep
You must keep a record of the following:
- everything you buy and sell (including zero-rated, reduced and VAT exempt items)
- copies of all invoices you issue
- all invoices you receive (original or electronic copies)
- self-billing agreements (where the customer prepares the invoice)
- the name, address and VAT number of any self-billing suppliers
- debit or credit notes
- any goods you give away or take from stock for your private use
Keep general business records such as bank statements, cash books, cheque stubs, paying-in slips and till rolls.