How best to roughen the edges of natural stone slabs that have been cut using a cut off saw

Discussion in 'Landscaping and Outdoors' started by Charlie Lockhart, Sep 12, 2023.

  1. When I lay natural stone slabs, if I cut the slabs, I use a chisel to chip the cut edge to make it rougher rather than clean and straight. Whilst this does work, I feel there must be a better way of doing this. Does anyone have any suggestions for a better way to achieve a rougher edge?
  2. Mark DM

    Mark DM Screwfix Select

    Hammer and cold chisel is probably the way.

    DBCDIY Screwfix Select

    I have a 4lb Scottish Dyker's hammer used for walling - mainly sandstone - guess it would roughen up edges of slabs...but it's heavy to use. A waller/mason's hammer might be has an end specifically for dressing stone.
  4. Alan22

    Alan22 Screwfix Select

    A masons hammer has a chisel point on one side for chipping?

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