How dare you ......

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by WillyEckerslike, Dec 9, 2018.

  1. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    How dare you use up a year's quota of 'rony in a single one-liner?
  2. goldenboy

    goldenboy Super Member

    No but if you asked me for an opinion on any aspect of global politics, I wouldn't claim that I in some way wasn't allowed to offer a comment as I wasn't a voter in that country.

    Nepalese politics is a bit of a car crash by the way.

    As for SA? Chaos also.
  3. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Pfffft. Can I throw you a googly, then, GB? See what you are made of.

    Ummm, how would you vote in a US election? For Trump?
  4. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    You're forgetting that the initial statement/ question was referring to the way I'd vote had I lived in the USA. As said earlier ( and many months ago) I can't honestly say how I'd have voted. Neither you nor DA can accept that ( shown by the way he now says I'd vote for Le Pen or Orban ) Perhaps he'd like to comment on the selling of arms by the U.K. to Saudi Arabia instead ?
  5. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    He can't DA, he simply can't vote in a US election.
  6. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    You seem eager to answer now... :rolleyes:
  7. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    We do try, but the Remainers keep posting.
  8. goldenboy

    goldenboy Super Member

    Yep Trump all the way.

    "Build That Wall"

    "Lock Her Up"
  9. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    But...but... :eek:
  10. goldenboy

    goldenboy Super Member

    He hasn't asked how I will, or how I did? Simply asked how I would.
    Allsorts likes this.
  11. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

  12. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    OOookkkaaaaay, JJ - your turn :rolleyes:

  13. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    The usual suspects shooo doooo wish we'd shut up.
  14. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    Just keeping you up to date.
  15. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    But you can't possibly answer GB. Had you been born and bred in America, perhaps you could answer, but as a British citizen, you could only answer how you " would " have voted from your British political view. ( which renders his question completely irrelevant.
  16. goldenboy

    goldenboy Super Member

    This is ludicrous John.

    You are making a real fool of yourself here.

    All this to avoid confirming that Trump is yer man.
  17. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    He answered, JJ.

    Me? Well I'd vote for Trump - if he held a gun to my head. Or possibly if the only other person on the ticket was even more loathsome and more completely devoid of dignity and values than him.

    So, basically it would only be if he held a gun to my whatsit.

  18. Odd Bodkin

    Odd Bodkin Active Member

    When you look at the calibre of politician who've been promoting the Leave campaign, Remainers cannot understand how people could swallow their manipulation and outright lies so readily.
    Nobody took Nigel Farage seriously for years until the terms of Austerity bit so deeply that people became desperate for someone to help them out. All he had to do was tap into the anger and resentment then go to the bloody pub and look like 'one o' the lads'.
    The people supporting his insidious agenda do not inspire any confidence: David Davis "thick as mince and lazy as a toad" - Boris "buffooning bullshitter" Johnson - Jacob Rees-Mogg, for ***** sake!!
    For many years they've whined and wheedled their way into this mess and have no disernible plan other than to say jam tomorrow keep calm and carry on.
    None of this cuts any ice with the EU and despite the time they've allowed us to come to our senses, we seem determined to run off the edge of a cliff singing Rule Brittania and waving our flags in the air.
    Allsorts likes this.
  19. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    And that - dear readers - is the complete and utter fact of the matter for the vast majority of Leavers.

    Farage and his ilk have 'allowed' many folk to release what was always inside them, and to pretend that their bigotry is actually now 'fair comment' in a free society. It wasn't and it isn't.

    I do wonder whether the likes of the u-s on here really believe what they clearly trawl the interweb for (and sadly often post on here as their justification & 'evidence'), or are they just looking for that permission to continue unabashed?

    It's genuinely hard to know what's worse; they actually believe it or are simply using it knowing it to be BS.

    Either way, it's yuck, and I cannot believe Great Britain has sunk to the level where these folk are so dramatically able to determine our children's future.
    Odd Bodkin likes this.
  20. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    Did you even read Willie's post?

    Stay in the EU? Leave the EU? Half-stay in the EU? Hover over the EU? Merge with the EU in the ethereal plane?
    It really doesn't matter any more.

    No decision we make will be as destructive as the divisiveness that this issue has caused. It's become a new religious war.
    WillyEckerslike likes this.

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