How else would they know

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Allsorts, Sep 13, 2018.

  1. Heat

    Heat Screwfix Select

    I suppose I should reply to that.
    I ‘liked’ Harry’s post because I genuinely thought it was a sensible and measured response.
    No need to get annoyed when some members get a ‘like’ to a post.
    As to “self-awareness and dignity” -
    How self aware and dignified are you, DA? How liberal are you really?

    Like I have said recently, politics is often a nasty subject and very divisive and I see little point in engaging in conversations that people refuse to respect each other, without good reason.
    longboat and Jord86 like this.
  2. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

    I also have no idea, I only know that in London and other large metropolitan areas, the increase has been huge, why?, I don't know, lack of policing because of Govt cutbacks?, youngsters angry that because we're leaving the EU their assured golden future, job security and home ownership has been taken away from them?, maybe they're just violent thugs who want something for nothing?. I don't know, I doubt anyone does.
    longboat likes this.
  3. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    So you have no idea, HA has no idea but in general the yoof are getting the blame.
    Just give them a chance from the beginning.
  4. HarDeBloodyHarHar

    HarDeBloodyHarHar Active Member

    Do some research. See how many stabbings in London already this year. See the 'yoofs' ages. See how many mopeds riders are sticking their 2 fingers up at the cops. See how many are shouting, "Chase me, chase me. Oh you can't."
  5. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    There's nowt as blind as those that just won't see. ;)
  6. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Annoyed? Lol. Man, the wishful thinking.

    'Disappointed but not surprised' best sums it up truthfully.

    Heat - it's all gorn, pal. You are 100% u-s lock, stock and whatsit. Nothing else matters to you. You are Bannon-fodder (COME ON! That's one of my best!)

    I can prove it with one wee question to you; tell us what YOUR vote for 'Leave' has done to the likelihood of the reunification of the Irish isle.

    You want authenticity? GOOD. Now be genuine and honest in your reply.
  7. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Yes, there's been a hellish increase in knife crime and these moped riders are a bludy nuisance. Acid attacks are just about the most heinous.

    But ONLY Leavers try and tarnish the reputation of 'yoof' in general - despite all the contrary evidence showing our new generations are better and better moral folk - with the tiny, unrepresentative minority brush.

    As they do with immigrants and basically anyone not like themselves.

    For the simple dishonest reason reason that it suits their innate bigotry.

    You really think you can get away with this?!

    No, you cannot. It's pernicious lies.
  8. Heat

    Heat Screwfix Select

    Okay, - on the Leave vote having an effect on the Irish Isle, -
    It has NOT done anything to aid uniting the people. Indeed proof, if proof were needed, that the Irish government are hostile and interfering and many of the nationalist remainers actually very narrow focused - Nationalist in true definition alas.
    Yes, complete evidence of how one of our so called European friends and neighbours behave towards us. Very predictable though.
    The way things are going, I can assure you will not bring a United Ireland (however you define that?
    I define united as coming together, but not in a forced way)
    Where is the hand of friendship from the Irish, Sinn Fein, etc?
    Where is the “United” in the division being attempted by Sinn Fein?
    Watch out for the Trojan horse. It now also has a EU dimension.
  9. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    Just who is committing knife crime, moped crime and acid attacks in our capital city then DA? By your reckoning it must either be middle aged business men, oaps or hells grannies. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
    Harry Stottle likes this.
  10. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    You just can't help but turn every bloody post into a Brexit post can you ? Honestly you're beyond help DA. You can guarantee is someone posts later on today about the cost of staircases at Howdens, you're going to blame Brexit uncertainty for the massive rise in staircases.
    Harry Stottle likes this.
  11. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Learn to read posts or go away.

    Ideally both.
  12. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Jeepers, Heat - how couched a reply!

    "It has done nothing to aid uniting the people"! Too darned right it hasn't - and that's equally true of the whole of the UK and beyond. Welcome to the world of Bannon. (I still want proper kudos for my 'Bannon-fodder' jibe... :oops: )

    Thanks for confirming that point, but that's not what I asked.

    Will Brexit almost certainly hasten Irish reunification? Will it almost certainly cause a rise in sectarian tensions? Will it almost certainly lead to increased smuggling - which will, of course, be controlled by sectarian paramilitary outfits with the obvious consequences? Will it ultimately almost certainly lead to killings?

    Sorry - too many questions. Let's just stick with the first one I asked, and which you have yet to reply to.

    Once you've managed to sputter out another evasive and half-baked 'answer', then look your monitor in the eyes and tell it us you knew what you were doing when you voted 'Leave'.
  13. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Why does the mention of Brexit upset you so? I thought it was what you wanted... :rolleyes:

    Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit ad infinitum.
  14. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    Harry Stottle and Heat like this.
  15. Heat

    Heat Screwfix Select

    Direct, short and to the point answers, but with some detail (unlike your long winded, evasive posts, Allsorts) -

    NO, (leaving EU will not hasten any sort of unification in Ireland.)

    To your other add on questions,

    NO, (leaving the EU should not, by itself cause sectarian tensions. I do not believe the British side [those on both sides of the EU vote] will allow the Sinn Fein or Irish government antics to provoke them. Therefore the potential trouble makers on the Irish anti Brexit side will be wasting their time.)

    As to smuggling, I say that depends on final arrangement, so I will answer that when time comes. But I suppose no different than smuggling that goes on currently between EU and into U.K. via England. If the law is even handed, why worry? Sure the republicans are now friendly, law abiding, are they not?? Or are you admitting they cannot be trusted?

    NO, to killings, - who would do that? (but you will still have the republican killers ready to kill, if you research what they have been up to. Nothing to do with Brexit though. Just part of the bunch who think it is okay to murder people to get the Brits and Irish all nicely united with each other.) :)

    So that is No basically to your question(s).
    Glad it is No.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2018
  16. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Suits me suits me suits me suits me suits me suits me suits me suits me suits me suits me suits me

    I don't want a softie; it's either a second ref or a full on hardie.
  17. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Thank you, Heat - these are, indeed, answers.

    Unfortunately I believe you are in denial as any impartial look at the current situation in NI will demonstrate. You seemingly don't accept the change in the voting patterns that are taking place over there, even tho' you live in the middle of it.

    This does not surprise me as you have nailed your unmoving colours to the shogglie mast.

    As to your confidence that any form of customs control betwixt the two countries will not almost certainly lead to a return to smuggling and sectarian infiltration, I would suggest your memory is very short lived. Of course the Moggish get-out is to simply proclaim that there are 'solutions'.

    As for your sarcy comments about Republicans being 'friendly' and 'law abiding', I don't really know how they compare to the Loyalists in these respects. Do you have any factual information to suggest how they compare? Having read books about both sides, it seems to me as though there are the most brutish of thugs in each group. One could argue - should one wish to look on this impartially - that only one side has been repressed through history. Not that that justifies thuggishness, of course.

    I wonder, would you dare to try a Google for something like "will Brexit affect Irish unity?" or anything of that ilk and then - this is particularly important - do a quick search on each of the main sources in the returned results to determine each one's level of bias. Of course I'm suggesting you then choose the most reliable and impartial sources, and not one from whatever your normal daily read happens to be*.

    What do you find?

    I used 'Allsides' to check each source, after having checked 'Allsides' itself in the same way. I think I managed to find balanced sites.
  18. HarDeBloodyHarHar

    HarDeBloodyHarHar Active Member

    Utter BULL.
  19. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    Me neither.
    In fact, the reasons are so elusive that even the most insightful members of our society are placed in a position that could help them figure it out.
    And yet, even they appear to hit a blank.

    It's hopeless.
    Let's just not discuss it and maybe it'll go away.
  20. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Soz, are you talking about yoof or Brexit?

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