I am trying camping!!!!

OMG have I gone crazy, I have convinced myself that I can save money on my epic European motorcycle trip by doing a spot of camping and not in Hotels each evening. Anyone got any tips as never camped out in my life. I have bought a wigwam type tent as it looked easy to put up and have a sleeping bag. What else should I buy? I want to look great and obviously I look great in general. So any tips from experienced campers would be appreciated.

Try camping on the motorways...
I picked with your image in mind, can't find the weight or pack size though.
doesnt look as though it would be heavy, looks perfect to me for where I am going and weather wise. Just been looking at the Naturehike Vic 1 you mentioned, I think that would be a bit too small.
I used to know a sherpa, worked in a climbing shop in Glasgow, you know when your talking to a dude when he didn't count many times he went up Everest because he didn't consider it that big a deal, all he said was it took ages and you have to avoid fungal infections in your boots.
I used to know a sherpa, worked in a climbing shop in Glasgow, you know when your talking to a dude when he didn't count many times he went up Everest because he didn't consider it that big a deal, all he said was it took ages and you have to avoid fungal infections in your boots.
and tics Alan, sherpas hate tics
I can see why you are feeling overwhelmed well meaning advice coming from everywhere, just get the basics here when you start camping anything extra you need you can get at a Carrefour supermarket they sell a lot of camping stuff often a lot cheaper than the U.K.
Well found the perfect tent for me, as I am great I also need a tent that just screams great and shows people how different I am. I have chosen a Lone rider Mototent.
It has a built in garage and I can stand up in it to get dressed,