While I agree with you and DA on many things I wouldn't say we slavishly follow the party line like the "Anti establishment" leavers follow the establishment line hook, line and sinker.
That leaves AS as the cleaver. But cleave has two meanings. To split: in that he’s always causing arguments? To cling to: in that he wants to be very close to the EU? Giza clue IIR, which definition did you mean? (I assumed Chippie was the “rude” option).
DA? Hasn’t he left? ‘Argumentative’ would have been my adjective for DA. Polarising? You’re definitely getting “rude”.
You could be right. Self-opinionated implies a reluctance to change one’s opinion. That’d be AS. Whereas I probably use the word “probably” more than most. That makes me the cleaver. I’m still not sure which definition to use though. I guess the first one, as I don’t think I cleave to anything (except that pi is wrong #TauManifesto).
I take self opinianated to mean welcome to give your opinion out but I'm open to change if new evidence comes up, apart from IIR being a muppet, that's a constant.
DA lasted about 3 posts before being found out, HA lasted a bit longer, filly got found out straight away and got re banned, don't know if fac's is back under a false ISP or wasn't permanently banned.
It's "you're", and - no - I doubt he's anywhere close. Come on, IIR, if nothing else at least let this forum improve yer gram.
I can't believe the racists call remainers snowflakes when they melt and moan about unfairness as soon as their despicable beliefs get challenged. Perhaps that's why they're leavers because when the going gets tough they leave.
Cleaver you, indeed. Me, I hedge with "almost certainly". And two more things, pal; (1) I'll change my opinion when the evidence or info changes. Oh, and (2) - you know I'm right on B*****. And on the u-s.
They've called us just about everything they could - straight off the alt-right hymn sheet. It's a populist trick; call folk for what you, yourself, are. A Trumpian deflection. But I've never seen what they are currently resorting to - it really does come across as whining self-pity. I almost feel bad for IIR and JJ - but then I remember the damage such folk have caused and remind myself that'll I'll never ever forgive them.
sanctimonious reply. 'Fellow travellers '. Is there some inference there? I've not read any racist comments Do you have evidence of this. If so you should report it. PhilSo
Honestly - how long have you been on this forum, PhilSo? And under what previous guise? You ain't seen a racist comment by your fellow u-s?! Good lawd - I can only imagine you are immune to them.
Honestly! No previous guise. Why do you feel need to group people ( u/s ). Perhaps you will give me an example so that I may re-evaluate my opinions of others. PhilSo