If Fry says it, then, youknow...

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Allsorts, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    2). Nah. I don’t buy into your kum ba yah model of the EU.

    For me, it’s all about the pounds, shillings and pence.

    Obviously £sd- as we’ll leave all that foreign decimalisation stuff behind when we leave.
  2. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    a) irony (irony can be difficult online)
    b) a reference to JC saying that he want to leave the U.K. (he doesn’t want to be ruled by the EU... or the U.K.).

    On b, it seems that many wealthy leavers like this trick. That is, suggest that the U.K. leaves the EU, whilst moving their money offshore and packing their bug-out bag (presumably to get out of a potential blast radius).
  3. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Just a bit over-egged, btiw2; Kum-ba-yah versus Trump's armpits? These are the only options?

    It's a bit in the middle, definitely to do with values, and - ok - closer to kmy than despotism.

    The EU/Brexit malarkey is all about the economy for you? Really? I don't believe you, tho' it would explain quite a bit.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
  4. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Oh, I see :oops:

    You mean Mssrs Cleese, Caine and whatsit are wanting their cakes on both sides of the new EU border? I hadn't realised - but should have wondered.

    I was thrown by it being IIR wot brought this to our attention. Why?
  5. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    I really don't need to group people, Phil. But then you find yourself challenging a cult, and, you know, they are a group.

    I could easily find you a number of absolutely blatant examples of what I'll kindly refer to as 'ignorance'-based racism, and a few of more overt, deeply-held racist attitudes by members of the u-s on here - none of which were challenged by their fellow cult members. I shouldn't have to do this again - I've done it at least a couple of times before and it's both tedious and should be unnecessary by now.

    It would also miss the countless other subtle and not-so-subtle examples of more covert racism such as the clear hostility of the u-s to immigrants in general, and the wilful desire to think the worst of them based on the actions of a few.

    You have made your opinions very clear on here even tho' you profess ignorance of the attitudes of many on 'your' side. Go do your homework.
  6. Broon

    Broon Active Member

    Oh God here we go arguing about side's again honestly its like a star wars movie (I'll let you lot decide which one is the dark side of the force)

    Anyway why does it have to be this way where you have two sides?

    I think we should all and try on agree on some things that is kinda known will happen but all dependent on how we leave. If we leave now that is as well.

    Our economy will be hit and the value of the pound will drop (think we can all agree this will happen if we leave)

    Our economy will eventually recover (Don't know how many years open to opinions on this)

    We will continue to trade with the EU.

    That's three to start us off feel free to add more but there must be things "both sides" agree on.
    dinkydo, btiw2 and PhilSo like this.
  7. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Where was the discussion on 'honesty'?

    Phil simply claimed to have seen no evidence of racism on here, and then had a little dig about why I should 'feel' I had the 'need' to 'group people'.

    I hope my answer above has clarified both for him since he seems to have missed some pretty important stuff on here over the past couple of years.

    So instead of exclaiming 'Oh God' about 'arguments' on 'honesty', Broon, why don't you - with honesty - help Phil out with some examples of racism seen on this forum?
  8. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    Agreed, although I don't think it'll fall under May's deal. It might even rise.
    I'm sure we also all agree than when the pound falls it causes prices to rise too.
    We all agree that a falling pound can help some exporters (depending EU's import tariffs - TBD).

    Again, I agree. I also think a "no deal" won't be the catastrophe that some predict. It'd be bad, and we'd have to change the shape of our economy (euphemism for redundancies), but it's not like anything would be destroyed.
    We'd still have the skills that we had beforehand. Sparkies would still spark. Chippies would still chip. Programmers would still program. Our media industry would still be a bunch of artsy w****rs.

    True, although under a no deal, tariffs would mean that some exporters would find themselves priced out of their market.
    We also might buy less from the EU (depending on our import tariffs).

    I agree with your summary and so does philso. There's another thing both "sides" agree on.
    PhilSo and Broon like this.
  9. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    No, did I imply those were the only options?

    You've said that economics is the least of this. I say it's (nearly) all of this.
    You've talked about the rise of the right and drawn parallels with 1930's Germany if we leave the EU.
    I just want trade goods and services.
    That's the difference between us.

    There are many civilised countries that aren't part of the EU: e.g. Japan, Canada, New Zealand and Norway aren't members of the EU, and they aren't goosestepping and building concentration camps.
    Although Japan is making the trains run on time, hmmmm....

    tbh, I'm not that bothered about sovereignty either. I can't think of anything that the EU has really stopped me from doing (that I wanted to do).
    I can't imagine a world where I cared about the shape of bananas or how many were in a bunch - even if that were a thing.
    Similarly, if a Eurocrat wants to legislate that kettles shouldn't fall to bits, then meh. Whatever.

    Other stuff:
    I might have wanted to retire to Germany, but probably not.
    My children might have wanted to work in Europe, but there again, who knows?
    I sometimes work in the EU (short term stuff), but I'm pretty sure I still could and I wouldn't miss it if I couldn't.
    The cost of membership was so small (compared to the size of our economy) that I don't know why we were fiddling with it. I'd have looked at other areas to improve our economy first.
    I didn't really care about NI before, so I can't claim that their special circumstances influenced my vote in any way.
    I don't care about the colour of my passport.

    For me, it's the value of the pounds I have and what I can get for them.
    If I was looking to the EU for my moral compass, then I'd already be lost.
    Broon and dinkydo like this.
  10. Broon

    Broon Active Member

    I never said anything about a discussion on honesty. I said this whole sides thing is honestly like Star Wars (the popular film franchise created by George Lucas)

    There is no way I am searching back to find racist post I don't even know what I would search for. I haven't seen a great deal of racism on here although there have been a few times I thought that's a little racist.

    I will also go oh god when it comes to an argument about sides because it happened not that long ago on the brent ford thread and we just went round in circle's neither side giving an inch being just as stubborn as one and other (if my memory is correct it also saw the return of BTIW2)

    Anyway you like to say we should learn from our past well take your own advise and don't go round in circles.
    Allsorts and dinkydo like this.
  11. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    [QUOTE="Broon: I never said anything about a discussion on honesty. I said this whole sides thing is honestly like Star Wars (the popular film franchise created by George Lucas) OOPS! SOZ - so you did... My bad my soz :(

    There is no way I am searching back to find racist post I don't even know what I would search for. I haven't seen a great deal of racism on here although there have been a few times I thought that's a little racist.

    I will also go oh god when it comes to an argument about sides because it happened not that long ago on the brent ford thread and we just went round in circle's neither side giving an inch being just as stubborn as one and other (if my memory is correct it also saw the return of BTIW2)

    Anyway you like to say we should learn from our past well take your own advise and don't go round in circles.[/QUOTE]

    Double-soz - nothing else I've said is relevant after I got that first bit wrong.

    Sorry Broon. :oops:
  12. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    I assumed - for us two - it may have been: "Nah. I don’t buy into your kum ba yah model of the EU. For me, it’s all about the pounds, shillings and pence."

    Imagine a hard-exit UK with the hard-exit drivers anywhere near the helm, trying to make its first trade deal with the first major country it would want to - the USA.

    With Trump's track record, can you speculate at all on what T would expect from the UK in return for anything approaching the kind of deal we would need. Desperately need?

    How about siding with T on the Paris Accord? Iran? Saudi? Just about anything.

    I am pretty sure that Fox et al would have no issues with this at all.

    That matters to me.

    The economy is the least of it because - economically - we would get back on our feet at some point. How long it would take for us to be the 5th largest economy again it would be hard to speculate on.

    That's why the economy is 'the least of it' - other things have the potential of being of much greater significance.
  13. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    I think we can agree, that what I see is beyond repartee.
    It's a pity I didn't realise before that reproducing was a chore.
    The cost to the state must be an overbearing weight.
    Let's lighten the load and bring them all in from offshore.

    I do like a bit of poetry.

    Anyway, enough of this.
    Let's talk about 'mythical dragons'.
    The 'educational' video kicks off with the assumption that the, EU, is a myth, or at least any criticism thrown it's way, is.
    The EU is real, it actually exists, there's no mythological dragon that can be produced to dismiss the fact.
    The 'educational' video aimed at young impressionable minds, opens with this perspective, the premise that deception is at play and if you believe anything that counters what we are about to tell you, then you are stupid, your peers will certainly think you are for sure.
    Enter stage, Trump.
    The pinnacle of ostracization material these days - especially to the young people the video is primarily aimed at.
    The whole thing is extremely 'politicised', through the use of language (illusion, fear ) and also the animation caricatures.

    I have read the links provided to back up the claims made, although I haven't read Fry's latest book release, as I don't imagine it being relevant to the subject.
    The relevant links, do support the statistics used, but, in essence they are nothing more than guesstimates produces by two people. How do they know the positive contribution paid by immigrants in the form of indirect taxes over a ten year period?
    How can they know this?
    They could make an estimate based on the average contribution received by native citizens of the same demographic, sure that may give you a ballpark figure, but to then compare it to the entire population is a bit deceptive, to say the least.
    What happens when the immigrants have children? When the immigrants get old?
    If the measure of success is how much an individual adds to a countries economy, then surely we should be encouraging the wealthy, those whom are most likely to pay for their own and offspring's education and healthcare privately.
    The quoted £20B figure over ten years works out on average at £450 each/yr.
    Does that even pay for the investment in infrastructure the UK has forked out over the same decade? Defense spending?
    Never mind the £70 odd billion each and every (yes, the migrants paid their proportion) taxpayer has contributed toward the, EU membership fee over the same time scale.
    I doubt it.
    I've watched some of the other Pindex videos on YouTube. They are mostly very informative, the doubt concerning their integrity arises when one of the founding partners does voice overs for videos of a partisan nature.

    Alas, it has worked i suppose.
    I, and many countless others, would never have been aware of them if it weren't for this highly opinionated offering.
    He may be one of them, but the Fry certainly ain't daft.
  14. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Where was this cut and pasted from?
  15. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    The Daily Fail, chip's.
  16. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    2018-12-04 21.56.32.png

    The post above yours. :D:D:D
    longboat and dinkydo like this.
  17. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    What's your tag team name, "2 heads, 1 brain cell"?
  18. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    No probs, chip's.
    I can understand why you lack the motivation to actually check things out for yourself. This is the 'Screwfix forum', your benal witticisms are indeed enjoyed by most (me included), but, non the less, there are indeed times when you are clearly deficient of anything meaningful to say.
  19. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    I watched the video and I read your reply and you disagree vaguely with the figures but did you say anything meaningful?
    It's banal BTW :)
  20. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    I hope others may have found it meaningful.

    You have chosen the benal approach.


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