Immigrants in little boats.

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Allsorts, Dec 30, 2018.

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  1. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    If the UK leaves the EU with no deal - suffering a significant economic blow as a result - and also causes damage to the EU economy to some extent, I wonder what incentive the French local (eg Calais) and National governments will have to continue to patrol their coast and corral the immigrants and refugees that arrive there as they currently do to significant political and financial cost?

    And I also wonder what those who would like a no-deal Brexit would do to handle this?
  2. blarblarblarblar

    blarblarblarblar Active Member

    And I also wonder what those who would like a no-deal Brexit would do to handle this?[/QUOTE]

    Would they not do the same as those who keep saying we need a deal?
  3. AlvyChippy

    AlvyChippy Active Member

    Never normally do politics (hate both politics and politicians for them exploiting naive souls)

    As it is France is acting illegally, by restricting movements of anyone, especially, the one, that is intending to leave their country.
    Of course, it will be possible to sweet talk them in to continuation, but it is very much depending on their willingness or not.

    Be them "undocumented" (passports etc get burned of fakes will be produced) without any possibility to establish the country they come from or are originating from, puts a stop to even a possibility to return them in to the "first safe country of entry". (1950s Rome conference implemented "freedom of movement act")
    Allsorts likes this.
  4. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Och, a bit cynical there, Alvy :). Seriously, politicians are mostly pretty ok and are betwixt a rock and a hard whatsit and are treading a fine thingy. It's the most hellish of jobs for which they receive no credit, respect or reasoned critique. They also cannot do what they sincerely believe to be the best for our country 'cos the electorate expects glibisms instead.

    I wonder how the UK will be able to 'sweet talk' France in to spending their money and resources for patrolling their northern shores to prevent immigrants from shifting off in wee boats to head for the UK's shores?

    After all, France will now have a legitimate reason for disliking us - we'll have knobbled their economy to some degree after all - and will then look on aghast as we ask and expect them to keep them 'grants on their shores 'cos the new free UK don't want the 'assle.

    How is this going to pan out, I wonder?
  5. metrokitchens

    metrokitchens Screwfix Select

    Er, perhaps we return them to the last country they came from. IE back to France they go. Or stick them in immigration centres in the channel islands and make sure the security is run by G4 and leave plenty of dingys about ;-)

    (known as the Australian model)
  6. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Er, nice idea Metro.

    This is going to work out really well with our former allies.

    G4, eh? I think I know where you're coming from.

    From what lofty self-achieved height are you giving this advice, I wonder.
  7. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    Judging by the amount that are coming over in boats now, France has already given up border patrols.
  8. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    That's ok then. Thanks IIR.
  9. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    Maybe that because they are in total turmoil with the Yellow Vest marches across a lot of major cities tying up there resources.

    You know these big anti goverment marches that have resulted in the police killing 10 people and arresting well over 3000, but not reported by the main stream media as it goes against the liberal left veiws.
    retiredsparks and Magicspark like this.
  10. AlvyChippy

    AlvyChippy Active Member

    Prove, he's from France jungle or Dutch port or even Antwerp?
    Also, deportation only works if the country is accepting those.

    How to sweet talk French to cooperate? The same as before, by paying our border force to work on their shore and do the job ourselves, instead of relying on French... possibly...
  11. AlvyChippy

    AlvyChippy Active Member

    I absolutely do not agree, that politicians were as naive, as general public, that has been fooled in to referendum vote. They are paid, compensated way above their "work", as what they could earn in private sector for shenanigans they are up to.
    Most annoying, is that even, when it is clear, "not so bright ones" gotten everyone in to this - they pretend to be smarter, beating their chests as if they know better still... Bad manners, in my books.
    The only way for Brexit is mutual Brexit, but it takes very little to upset them.

    ANW, I'm out of political BS, last post on this matter
  12. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    As you say, hard to prove. And also whether it's from a country where to return them would be almost certainly a fatal move.

    As to how to patrol their shores, the newly p*****-off France will welcome anything from us, especially our troops? And at what actual cost to us?
  13. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    Once we leave the EU France has to continue in the same form as it has been doing, this is set in law and has nothing to do with the UK being part of the EU.
  14. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member


    Or maybe you'll latch on to anything in order for you to not think or reason for yourself.
  15. AlvyChippy

    AlvyChippy Active Member

  16. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    I just let a wee bit of wee slip out.
  17. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    'Sticky' doesn't even begin :)
  18. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    And maybe ( definitely) you latch on to the none news to much and forget to actually see what is really going on.
  19. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    Tena Men required then.
  20. metrokitchens

    metrokitchens Screwfix Select

    We already track every vessel crossing the channel. It is easy to send back to point of origin.
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