Immigrants in little boats.

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Allsorts, Dec 30, 2018.

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  1. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    You say this as if its some sort of victory.

    Reality is we have had to do it to cover ourselves against any retribution of Brexit from France as some form of payback for leaving.

    Remember 136 countries trade with the EU without being members, so why is the UK being singled out.??
  2. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    It isn't.
  3. goldenboy

    goldenboy Super Member

    Man, you really like dividing this up on crisp, unblurred lines dont you.

    This kind of rigid partisanship is what destroyed your Brexit

    Many on the Leave side will reflect in the coming years about how differently it could have been handled.

    An inclusive process would have been the way forward. Instead its been driven by those intent on as hard and fundamentalist a Brexit as possible.
  4. Bob Rathbone

    Bob Rathbone Screwfix Select

    Lets take a look at this from a humanitarian point of view. These people are taking a huge chance, risking their lives to get into GB in their exit from oppressive regime control.
    Now leave that humanitarian ideal and look at cold hard reality.
    They were already in a place of safety, France, so what motivates someone to take such risks, and who pays for the passage?
    It must be more than just economic factors or even the desire to be with family. Could it be a greater motivator ?
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
  5. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    You replied to Gringo? :eek:

    Jeepers, GB, you must have time on your hands.
  6. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Not sure which 'ideals' you are referring to, Bob?

    Could it be that they already know people in this country, possibly family members? Or are English-speaking rather than French? Or perhaps even (still...) see Great Britain as the ultimate goal, what with its historical reputation for fairness and decency and 'doing the right thing'.

    Anyhoo, the replies from the u-s has reassured me that these wee boats somehow ain't the UK's problem however hard we exit.

    And Btiwan is getting it more and more.
  7. DIY womble

    DIY womble Well-Known Member

    If I we're having to leave my country for a new beginning I'd swim the channel rather than stop at France , don't blame them and can't believe we're not swamped, don't think their is a fair solution
  8. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

  9. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    The only " inclusive" thing the EU were after, during the negotiations , was the U.K. remaining locked into the EU. A sort of Brexit in name only. Personally, the negotiations could have gone a lot better if Junckers had been kept off the EU wine lake.
    Gringo28 likes this.
  10. Gringo28

    Gringo28 Active Member

    Their is no hard brexit. Their is just brexit. We leave the eu. Back to how we were before we joined. An independant country.
    hard brexit is a rebel remoaner made up term. For people who cannot accept democracy and want to spread fear.
    People who will sabotage brexit at any cost. Absolutely disgraceful.
    Like something you would expect from a third world banana republic.
    If you cannot accept a democratic vote then you shouldn't even be allowed to vote.
    The rest of your post is just nonsense.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
  11. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    TM has done her damndest to sabotage Brexit. She's negotiated a deal that will see us locked into the EU in perpetuity. ( if accepted) The remainers aren't happy, the Brexiteers aren't happy. No ones happy about it.
    Gringo28 likes this.
  12. Gringo28

    Gringo28 Active Member

    Sadly TM is a weak leader. On one hand she has threatened no brexit to get the leavers on side and on the other has threatened a hard brexit to get the europhiles on side.
    And in between she will inevitably fall.
    And as I've said before, her hand was severely weakened by europhile remoaners.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
  13. kitfit1

    kitfit1 Screwfix Select

    TM was/is a remainer herself, so the non deal she has come up with was always going to be on the cards. Most if not all negotiations of this kind are done at very senior civil service level, with politicians dotting the i's and crossing the t's towards the end.
    I think this whole fiasco says a hell of a lot about the very poor quality of our most senior civil servants as well as the total gutlessness of our politicians.

    It's what happens when you put idiots in charge of peeps that have no idea what they are doing.
    retiredsparks and Gringo28 like this.
  14. AlvyChippy

    AlvyChippy Active Member

    Have email notification with sound on for a reason ;)... Disabled now for this topic and will change my setting on all post alerts, as it is odd to receive some important IE invoice on a par of reply notification...

    Do you personally (or anyone) believe it is at all possible to achieve anything of political nature/matter by discussing such on internet board?
    (I don't, wander though if it is worth all of the time/emotions etc)
    Allsorts likes this.
  15. goldenboy

    goldenboy Super Member

    This pretty much sums up exactly why those desperate to enforce what their own personal definition of Brexit is have played such an appalling hand.

    You could have had so much of what you wanted. Instead you have ended up with the dregs.

    Thats why you are so angry. Defeat from the jaws of victory.
  16. goldenboy

    goldenboy Super Member

    At what point will it dawn on you John
    At what point will it dawn on you John?

    Childish petty insults have no place in this process. Though it whips to borrow a Trumpism "the base" up.

    Thats why Boris, JRM, Farage, Bridgen etc etc have ended up looking like petty, intransigent fundamentalists. Which is pretty much what they are.
  17. Gringo28

    Gringo28 Active Member

    More nonsense. From a remoaner loser.
  18. AlvyChippy

    AlvyChippy Active Member

    You need a break, a holiday in Ibiza perhaps, as it is on this board nothing more or less, than peeing contest, waste of time and certainly uncalled for name calling
    Allsorts likes this.
  19. AlvyChippy

    AlvyChippy Active Member

    Allsorts likes this.
  20. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    My comment was certainly not childish nor insulting to Junckers. If anything, it might hurt him a bit because its the bloody truth. You've heard of the saying the truth often hurts ? One day in March 2019, Junckers is going to awaken from his drunken stupor and find out that the UK has gone, left the club,, "Elvis has left the building" . Only then will he realise just how much the EU was dependant upon the UK for so much.
    Anyway, Junckers has no place turning up to EU occasions, so inebriated , he needs help to stand on his own two feet. He's an embarrassment to the EU and the sooner they realise this the better.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
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