Installing plasterboad over door reveals

Discussion in 'Builders' Talk' started by Akis Tzortzis, Aug 23, 2023.

  1. Akis Tzortzis

    Akis Tzortzis New Member

    Hi, I want to fix plasterboad on this door reveals, top and sides, in preparation for room plastering.

    It is a cavity wall and the closers are hard plastic but really moves a lot. Even if the plasterboad adhesive sticks on the plastic, the plastic underneath flexes and moves, and so the plasterboard also moves.

    At the top there is a standard cavity lintel with polystyrene insulation.

    The only solid surface there is for the adhesive is the blockwork on the sides, which is 100mm, and is then followed by 100mm cavity closer or 100mm polystyrene at the top.

    I tried fixing the plasterboad onto the blockwork and that was solid, but the part up to the door frame was moving. So i took it down again.

    I do not know what to do. Any help appreciated.
  2. Akis Tzortzis

    Akis Tzortzis New Member

    20230823_103409.jpg 20230823_103357.jpg

    Attached Files:

  3. koolpc

    koolpc Super Member

    Foam adhesive maybe?
  4. BuildingMad

    BuildingMad Screwfix Select

    Cut 200mm lengths from this twice plug & screw to the blocks every 300mm so that they cantilever over the cavity insulation. Before fixing run some EML over the insulation & under the straps and Doors?kpid=KINASEKPID&cm_mmc=Google-_-TOKEN1-_-TOKEN2&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3JanBhCPARIsAJpXTx7dPfNfn6mTE7ELDlDY_dmXkepozYVos6R5WKfDvfwRRaD-9IoyQsMaAvmpEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
    Secure to straps with wire.
    That will provide a firm key for whatever you stick the plasterboard with.
    You can undo the window fixing straps & run the EML behind those as well, then refix the straps.

    You can dig out a bit of the insulation through the holes in the lintel to form a better key for the plasterboard adhesive.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2023
  5. ginger tuffs

    ginger tuffs Screwfix Select

    Fix with board adhesive as normal no different to any other window reveal
    Jord86 and Simples like this.
  6. Akis Tzortzis

    Akis Tzortzis New Member

    Thanks for all advice. I did some preparation, I installed metal brackets which I had at home as per photos and then we placed the plasterboard on the reveals hoping that the brackets will offer some rigidity over the cavity. It looks OK so far and unless someone whacks it with a hammer I suppose it should be fine.




  7. Akis Tzortzis

    Akis Tzortzis New Member

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