It's really very simple, do you believe that England is subsidising Scotland?
If yes, why not let them go and save our money?
Are you including 'Scottish' oil in this equation? By that I mean oil that just happens - by pure geographical chance - to be located off the coast of Scotland. So the Nats call it 'theirs'?
If so, does that mean that all the financial income from the 'city' of London is just London's? Or, if I find a gold seam under my hoosie in Devon it suddenly becomes mine, and Devon sues for Indy-pendy?
I mean, why is it Scotland's oil and not the UK's? Are we not one union?
And, if you maintain that it IS Scotland's oil and no-one else's, I do have to ask; would Scotland
still be keen on Indy if it just
didn't happen to have this oil? If it 'needed' England?
It's all very well to for a country or region (yes, I'm talking to
you, Catalonia...) to shout "It's all MINE! And gee' us Indy while we're at it!" when they - through nothing other than pure chance - have an extra income on their doorstep.
Why do I
not like the Scots Nats? For exactly the same reason I don't like Brexiters. I love 'union'. I like being a part of a bigger thing, as well as 'just' a 'Brit'. I want to share, for good and bad - but mostly good. I want to make things better - for everybody. I want us to be
I hate chippiness. I hate deluded swagger (in fact I hate
all swagger, but mostly the deluded stuff...).
I have fought the Nats (and won, on that occasion). I have looked them in the eye. And what I saw was not good. Nope, not at all.
They were like Filly and Longs and JJ and Mr Ha. Almost to a person.