Well said Broon, I said exactly the same (and more ), earlier - but you fight a losing battle on here, as it seems the one topic that unites most forumites (both the u-s & DA!!) is a hatred of Scotland and the SNP. (DA's hatred of anyone in the SNP verges on paranoia
, otherwise he's very sensible, most of the time
Nobody has yet explained to me why our Westminster government does everything in their power to keep Scots in the UK, yet are always shouting that they don't pay their way and need England to subsidise them.
Why do Westminster not allow Scots to see the 'full financial books', so that Scots would know precisely how much tax they pay into the UK Treasury? We fiddle it so that tax on whisky and oil (for example) are recorded as UK Exports. These would be relatively immense amounts for Scots.
DA also says Scots have wide taxation powers - he obviously doesn't realise that Scots have only minor powers over SOME parts of income tax. They have no control over major taxes like VAT. It's like having one hand tied behind their back in a boxing match.
Funniest bit I saw today was the new Labour leader in Scotland said that Labour should nationalise Scottish water - when it's been nationalised for years. When a national party leader makes errors like that............
Shush, you now, Lancs!
Hatred of Scotland? Me?
That is simply not true. That could not be less true. I not only thank my lucky stars each day that I live in this country (UK) and at this time, but I am also fully grateful I was born and brought up on a wee Scottish island - a blissful place to be a child.
I simply believe in unity, that's all.
Provided it works and is fair, of course (I'm not stupid...).
And, as part of that unity, the
inherent wealth of one area (ie - wealth due to its 'natural' resources or location - eg Scottish Oil and London's financial wealth) should be distributed to develop the less fortunate areas. It simply cannot be a case of "Oh look what I've found - oil! We are rich beyond our wildest dreams! Ok, let's cite for independence so's we don't have to share it..."
It is ridiculous to suggest that it's
Scotland's oil. It isn't - it's oil that's found of the coast of the northern part of the UK.
I have to ask again - if Scotland did
not 'have' this oil, would they
still be shouting for Indy? Some would, yes. But I'm pretty sure it would only be a tiny mad bunch. Would that tiny mad bunch get anywhere with their demands? Of course not - they'd be treated as 'eccentric' and nothing more.
If you agree with that last paragraph, then surely you'd also have to agree that the Indy demand isn't 'ideological' but rather simple
opportunism (we
happen to have it - whooopppeeee - so we want it
all...)? No?
Can I also put on the record that I do not hate all Nats! I question their judgement, yes. I'll treat them with some wariness, yes. Some of them are complete barstewards, yes.
Of course this is a sweeping statement of mine, Lancs, but I
do see (and believe they exist) direct and complete parallels betwixt most of the Leave bunch and most of the Scots Nats.
'Nationalism' is a word I have truly come to hate. It has 'connotations'. It's worth examining the differences between, say, 'Patriotism' and 'Nationalism' to see the subtle and not so subtle differences. I am Scottish, and have observed from the moment I could walk what swaggering Nationalism means. It generally involves two things - a distorted and completely undeserved opinion of 'themselves', and a putting down of others. The original double-whammy.
It repulsed me then and even more so now.
I would totally accept that there are vast and unfair differences in wealth across our whole land. But that has nothing to do with us being different countries, but comes down to simple politics. You change that from
within. The 'Midlands' is suffering disproportionally - are they a different country? Should they sue for Indy to make things GREAT?! Of course not - they don't have oil...
Please don't lose sight of the advances that have been made. I almost giggle with disbelief thinking back at the conditions many people lived in on the island.
Foul beyond words (tho' no less happy).
This country has been transformed over the past 50 years.
Transformed. That includes Scotland. And the Midlands.
Tons more to do, of COURSE.
are going the right way, tho'. Sadly all it takes is a financial crash for many people to start braying mindlessly (I don't mean you, I mean the u-s) and shoot themselves in both feet by reacting according to the whim of a bunch of right-wing liars.
Unity, man, We need unity.