Iwish I could say it as well as this cove :-)

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You and that bloke are about as useful as a chocolate tea pot when it comes to standing up to radical islam.
Its Saladin V Richard the Lionheart all over again.

Except the "lion heart" is replaced by the politically correct "faint hearts".
Wonder how long before he's taken out, not by Muslims, by the way!!!!!

This is a good answer to a question about the amount of non radical Muslims.

Yes, that is superb Phil. What an answer to that typically petulant, 'offended' muslim twit.

That Gabriel lady must have been willing someone to ask that kind of Q so's she could let rip.

And, gawd-willing, they did :-)
Ry, oh Ry.

And your contribution is?

What you need to recognise is that you are on the same side as these ejits.

You are a deluded fool.

You believe the self-same shared fundamentals wot's required before you can swallow anything else to do with religion - you have faith that there's a gawd. You have faith that there's life after death.

Two staggering foolish things to believe in.

I have no doubt whatsoever - with your numbingly dumb preachings on things like magic thorns - that had you been born in a strongly muslim country, you would be a similar petulant 'offended' muslim twit.

You are in no position to say that one set of twits is more twittish than another - you are all of the same deluded creed.

Thankfully, I am on the other.

And I have generally good company on my side - give an example of some nasty deed an atheist has done in the name of atheism?

I thought so.
Doesn't speak for me. Whatever he thinks. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between radical islam and moderate islam.

I think the moderate muslims need to condemn lunatics and terrorists quicker for sure but to coach what he says in such hatred is simply petrol on the fire.

He also needs to look at his history and draw parallel. The Crusades were not exactly the most tolerant and polite incursion into foregn lands and cultures.

I think as a nation we need to make less of an effort to alter our culture to appease others and we should expect others to alter their culture to fit in. Speaking English and observing everyones human rights is a minimum.

But the idea that everyone hates muslims and the Islamic faith is just nonsense.
That's very thoughtful of you, Golden. But I fear misguided.

Do you know any 'moderate' muslims? Cool - the next time you meet up with them, ask them what they'd do if you were to insult mohamed. Or rip a page out of the koran. Or draw a cartoon of that 15th century cove who married a 6 year old child?

I'd advise you to stand well back.
Anyone who claims to be standing up with the sword of truth and decency to slay the sexual oppressors of women while also calling someone a "bag headed bimbo" automatically loses any credibility for me.

He is just an angry man spouting hatred and intolerance. No different to a fundamentalist preacher.
I don't see 'hatred' in what Pat says, only contempt for their beliefs and how they impinge of free, rational-thinking societies.

"I think the moderate muslims need to condemn lunatics and terrorists quicker for sure..."

Yes, absolutely. I've yet to hear of any imam actually say - these guys who've blown themselves up are most definitely not sitting with their gawd with a bunch of virgins.

In theory, that's all it would take...:rolleyes:
"No different to a fundamentalist preacher."

Really, golden? Really?

I mean, really?
That's very thoughtful of you, Golden. But I fear misguided.

Do you know any 'moderate' muslims? Cool - the next time you meet up with them, ask them what they'd do if you were to insult mohamed. Or rip a page out of the koran. Or draw a cartoon of that 15th century cove who married a 6 year old child?

I'd advise you to stand well back.

Its a cyclical thing and that's all it is. 500 years ago Christians were slaughtering entire cities for not following the "correct" faith.

An aggressive response is never going to work because the numpties already indoctrinated want to die in jihad!

We need to stand firm but not on a rock of hatred.
"No different to a fundamentalist preacher."

Really, golden? Really?

I mean, really?

Absolutely. He hates all Muslims regardless of what they think. He is no different to a fundamentalist preaching hatred of all non believers.
My favourite quote from the video. "The religion of permanent offence." :p:p:p:p Sums Islam up to a tee.
Brigitte Gabriel's quote "It's time we took political correctness and throw it in the garbage, where it belongs." is just as noteworthy. ;);)
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In the same way that a lunatic preacher only speaks for lunatic numpties and those from the wider community who will just go along with the flow, this fella only speaks for people who hate Islam and those from the wider community who will just go along with the flow.

I make my own mind up and no shouty youtuber speaks for me.
I am fully aware I am swimming against the tide on this but that doesn't bother me.

I hate militant and radical Islam and the problems it causes the world. Doesn't mean I hate all muslims and Islam as a religion.
You make up your own mind, Golden - and so you do and amen to that.

There are lots of less thoughtful peeps out there, tho', and Pat's kind of wonderfully articulate and amusing rant will be music to their ears.

It is to mine.

And I've also made my own mind up a looong time ago.
give an example of some nasty deed an atheist has done in the name of atheism?

atheism has been responsible for the greatest wars in history. And now that Christanity has been marginalised in blighty by the atheists and their zealous preachers like christopher hitchens Islam will take advantage.
You are on shaky ground there about atheism being responsible for the greatest wars in history.

Not sure that even stands up to a cursory examination. That's just you making a stupid point to get people reacting

However you have a genuine point somewhere in there about the marginalising of proper religion in this country.

It has become acceptable to mock and belittle those who follow the CofE. I don't but I respect their right to believe and find strength in it.

It bonded communities together.

Now there is a void it is being exploited by those with bad intentions, whether it be radical islam, anti-capitalists, the EDL/BNP etc etc.