Iwish I could say it as well as this cove :-)

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Deleted member 33931, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    [QUOTE="Devil's Advocate, post: 1376938.

    Maaaan, there is just no excuse for taking your kids out of school during term time - you'll get yer *** kicked.

    Unless it's for 'religious observance'... :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

    Would that include my annual Pilgrimage to Spain. :D:D
  2. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    Apparently one chap has just had his case thrown out of court. He took his children on a term time holiday. Gave the school notice that he was doing this and the local school fined him £60 . He refused to pay and allowed it to go to court.

    Deleted member 33931 likes this.
  3. Blimey, JJ - I know a few bolshie parents locally who will love that!

    Just goes to show - the law's an a**.

    A new law is brought out, but it takes a challenge like that to show it has little bearing. Beggars belief.
  4. Mr. Handyandy

    Mr. Handyandy Screwfix Select

    It doesn't beggar belief when you know the Cons were responsible.

    It is quite believable, nay, expected!

    Mr. HandyAndy - Really
  5. parahandy

    parahandy Screwfix Select

    "Mr Platt ( who runs a PPI company) said: "I am not in the business of giving advice" "

    Deleted member 33931 likes this.
  6. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    Yes you are correct again.
    There is a "false bonhomie" but I have been like that in "real" life for so long that's its difficult to be anything else :confused:
    Even I don't know who I am half the time o_O its complicated :D

    I suppose on here the only thing I have to offer is just me! Its different for you. You know EVERYTHING :( you have a whole lorry load of correct information to dish out on just about every trade and topic going. I don't have that.
    I like it here :oops: I've been happy here, its a port in a storm. I learn a lot and I like the people. I know that Pete will have to wield the axe one day :rolleyes: as columbo said maybe its not the right place for me but you've got to admit the place was getting a bit dull without me :p Pete could have had the month off and nobody would have even noticed :D I did think people were a bit blooming harsh to Pete on the pranks thread though! They had him hung drawn and quartered :eek: chill out peeps!

    As for the stuttering I found that really interesting Dev. When I was a young kid I very wrongly associated stuttering with a violent drunken irish father. To me it meant a person got so frustrated that they couldn't get their words out they resorted to violence and aggression. Obviously as an adult I have thankfully learnt this is not the case :rolleyes: thank rys lord :oops:
    Some of the most brilliant and truly wonderful people have the same problem and I've learnt it can be very endeering. Lovely, quiet, passionate and intelligent people.

    I would have made the most awful teacher I think o_O but my daughter and pretty much all her friends say I'd have made a great sports coach. How I'm popular with kids is beyond me. It really is. I think maybe they just creep for money, food, lifts and sleepovers :rolleyes:
  7. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    Do you EVER think for yourself Ry? o_O Why are you always so caught up in facts and figures and studies and what everybody else higher up your chain are rattling on about.
    Its always about what somebody else is saying or doing with you. Don't you ever question this god of yours? Ever? I bet you do :) sometimes.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2015
  8. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    Mr H. :(
    You don't really see all atheists as morons who will go running about committing evil crime just because they can, do you? You think everyone who ticked the christian or catholic or whatever else box is devoid of anger eh? You do don't you? :mad::mad::mad:

    Pretty sure I wouldn't raise a hand to anything or anyone unless they deserved it and I was protecting myself or my really tiny family :rolleyes: then hell yeah :)
    I'm not an evil witch of a cow because I don't believe in god! It really wasn't Gods fault! I take responsibility for me. THAT is the difference. I don't get to run around doing whatever the hell I like whilst sneakily thinking in the back of my mind, oh well its OK coz god will forgive me, god forgives everything :) hallelujah I'm safe! Praise the lord!
  9. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    God is a cop out Andy. I will take your argument and stick it slap bang on its head where it belongs.
    A figment of somebody else's imagination is no deterrent to me whatsoever. That does NOT mean that I am not fearful. I am fearful for my daughter and how she will cope at such a young age away from home next year. I spent 16 years raising her into a great person who now speaks for herself and is living proof that I was a success without God. I don't recall God knocking on my door over those very tough skint battered lonely years. I just don't. I only remember me and her (us) only needing each other and I always will remember. So will she.

    Today is the 25th anniversary of my first love dying in a motorbike accident. I lay flowers twice a year. I see him like it was yesterday. A good kid who drank orange juice at the age of 19 all night at a party who was proud of how responsible he was and then got killed by a drink driver. Your God has never stopped smacking me in the face since the day I was born Ry! One day I really hope I get to meet him. :)
  10. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    Oh and school fines are from my point of view clearly revenue.
    Not that it bothers me since by daughter has a 98.5 % average :) Its not my fault the orthodontist is in Exeter :(
    It is I believe about revenue though. A few years ago I would have said it was about a nanny state, but now I see its about the wonga.
  11. Mr. Handyandy

    Mr. Handyandy Screwfix Select

    And there begins more rebellion!
  12. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    No Andy.
    Just anger that there is nobody else left to scream at and blame. Just a sadness and hurt and pain that lingers and never really leaves.
    Just a simple wish that things could end in a more gentle kinder fashion.

    It would have been real easy to believe in a God. Too easy.
  13. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't you wanna scream and shout Andy and blame and get angry? If you loved someone and they were so badly messed up in an accident that you'd been advised not to view them? Severed neck? Foot? Arm? Caved in head? Apparently they do a really good job of putting the body back together though! And its like it never happened :rolleyes: how cool is that :)

    You come back to me and tell me about MY rebellion when you have had your heart ripped out ten times over and you finally woke up and realised you were on your own.
    Then we can chat.
    The likes of some fairytale god would have sunk me long ago.
  14. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    But still I have planned to be in bham at the grave on Monday. A few days late I admit since he died on 21st Oct, I reckon he will let me off though since its 25 years since he died :) we have an understanding. I went this new year instead of Xmas and the first thing I said was "stop your whinging I'm here aren't I ? o_O"
    God ain't gonna fix it Andy. I'm not a bad person for not believing.
  15. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    Why have I spent 25 years visiting a grave if I don't believe :(
    I don't miss a year and I live hundreds of miles away. I can't be there on his Bday July 11th so I get my dad to take flowers. This year I WAS there in july but normally I get dad to do it. I do Xmas or new year and october or I remind dad and post him stuff.
    I think dad quite likes it coz he knows I will do the same for him and remember him when he is brown bread ;)
    We are about the only ones at johns grave though. A packed out church at the funeral but nothing at the grave. The odd thing from his sister but that seems more duty than anything :rolleyes: if I ever find any plastic flowers from her on the grave I will take them home and accidentally set fire to them :)
  16. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    People believe in god because they can't face the alternative. They can't face the harsh reality of loss and fear and being alone.
    They are scared, so they believe, then they are stupidly drawn towards others that believe, then the cult begins.
    I'd rather suck up the pain and drive ry and dev nuts :p
    Chicken is cooked. Not hungry now :( gotta eat though:) need my strength, got a date with kiab soon ;)
  17. People with faith don't have a monopoly on how to feel grief, or how to try and deal with it.

    They do not appreciate the wonders of this world in any greater depth than rationalists.

    They are not moved by music or a powerful movie (Back To The Future, anyone?) or a kind gesture or a stunning view any more than the clear-thinking of us.

    In fact if there is any difference, I suspect it'll be that they are desensitised by all of the above, because they'll think in terms of How greaat is god, then!", or "What was gawd's message - what does he want me to do?", or "How have I let down gawd for him to do this to me?" - or some other inhuman thought.

    Miss P, you don't need to explain or justify your commitment to your ex's grave to anyone. It's simply very touching. And very human.
  18. Mr. Handyandy

    Mr. Handyandy Screwfix Select

    Miss P, I've put 2 sons in a hole and have one smashed up in hospital as we speak(motorcycle acc as it happens).

    You don't need to tell me.
  19. I was going to 'like' your post, Mr Ha, but that somehow didn't seem appropriate considering its content.

    You have my sincere sympathies.
  20. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    Oh my goodness! So sorry to hear that Andy :( that's awful news :(
    My apologies and sympathies. That's shocking.
    Bludy dreadful what some people have to go through. I don't know how people cope sometimes, I really don't. Life don't half chuck some nasty stuff at people. I'm not sure I'd be strong enough to cope with all that Andy.
    Whatever your beliefs, if they bring you even the tiniest of comfort then, well, whatever gets you through is the main thing.

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