Nah DA is hung up on some hypothetical scenario and seems to think that someone brought up in France would still vote the same way if they’d been brought up in a different country, with differing values, culture, language etc,etc. I guess he thinks politics is now genetic.
I didn’t say that chip, I mentioned cultural differences. Had I been born and brought up in France, I’d be culturally different from “ Le Rosbifs “ surely ? Dunno, maybe if I’d been brought up in a different area, or lived in a different area, perhaps I might have voted/ behaved a different way, who knows ? But for DA to say I’d vote/ behave the same way if I was French or American is stretching credibility a bit. Hypothetically speaking, had I lived in North Devon and been relatively shielded from the mass immigration into this country, I might just have been on the other side of the fence. Anyway, this has nothing to do with the original post about Khashoggi. See, even I’ve been sidetracked by DA. ( he just can’t help it, poor fellow )
I did try to bring it back to the original point by mentioning that the only reason the u/s are interested is because it involves Arabs, ie Muslims.
I started the thread not even considering Muslims or Arabs . I was concerned about a murder committed by a sovereign nation in another sovereign nations backyard, when such a high profile news item hadn't been brought up on here. ( remember the Skripal case in our backyard was talked about almost immediately on here) Of course DA chips in with his usual diversionary tactics to bring it down to either Brexit or racism. What a singularly small minded individual.
You are telling us, JJ, that you simply cannot speculate on who you would have voted for in the last Presidential election had you been American? And you are equally incapable of speculating on who your choice would have been betwixt Macron and Le Pen? Uh-huh. Jog O & N. See? No dyslexia - you little lighter of gas, you. (I can promise you one wee thing, JJ - no-one - not even your fellow u-s - believe you. Why? Because it is simply unbelievable)
The effort you put in, IIR! To no effect other than to reinforce your juvenility. (And not a single 'like' for your efforts . A bit like JJ's recent 'likeless' posts . Looks like your sidekicks have finally found a line not even they will cross.) (Good to see you no longer get your images from the 'Australian News Network', tho'. Tell us, IIR - when you saw these 'interviews' being carried out by that gurning 'reporter', did you not suspect for a nano-second "Hang on - that cove isn't behaving like a credible news reporter!"? No? Jesus Christ.)
Uh-huh. You bravely started this brave thread, JJ, mentioning bravery. And then went on to make no point at all in your opening post; simply bravely asking for the brave opinions of others. "What a singularly small minded individual." Careful! I could reach for the 'Repo...ohIcan'tbearrissed. Yes, JJ, I could be fixated - small-minded even. Or I could possibly be making one of the most pertinent & important points there has ever been on the 'Just Talk' forum; that there are essentially two types of folk - one generally empathetic in nature, and one generally psychopathic. (I am not being flippant - I use these terms correctly.) One is leading us to a value-devoid hell. And quite possibly worse.
I feel a bit like you now with the lack of likes. By credible you mean Left and not asking straight forward questions as opposed to prompting the correct answers.
Can anyone join this parlour game? If I lived in Ulan Bator I'd have voted for Norovyn Altankhuragm. Your turn. Now I'm off to Kashoggi's ship, at least it's more on topic than the rest of this thread.
Why does it need to be an "actual journalist" to ask simple straight forward questions. Do you think those asked would have a clue what was going on and why they were there if asked by an "actual journalist". or would they still be the rabbit in the headlights. Stop trying to justify the sheep by not accepting the fact that most of them are just plain stupid and haven't a clue what they were actually protesting about. A very left thing by the way.
You are lying, IIR, to yourself. To no-one else. "Why does it need to be an actual journalist..."? Well, actual credible journalists, who do an amazing job (chasing the truth, often at risk to their lives (oh look - I am talking about people like Khashoggi) - are an ever endangered species, what with Trump proclaiming the very best of impartial American News sources as 'Fake News', and your Mail shouting 'enemies of the people' at those who uphold the rule of law) deserve to be respected and given an unhindered voice. They do not deserve to be lampooned by scurrilous right-wing Facebook sites who very deliberately use a name chosen to confuse; eg with the real 'Australian News Network', or another beaut I picked someone local up on, CNN (The Christian News Network (anything but 'Christian' in their lying bigoted behaviour. Or perhaps that should be, just like many Christians?) You have not one iota of functioning critical faculties, IIR. You care not a jot about the truth. You search for anything that'll satisfy your wee beastie. Two types. Two types.