Levelling old garage floor

Discussion in 'Builders' Talk' started by James sirdifield, Jun 21, 2023.

  1. James sirdifield

    James sirdifield New Member

    Hi All

    Thank you in advanced for your help,

    Basically I have a garage where I am going to be laying down some pvc garage floor tiles, however I was hoping to raise the floor level so it's not a step down into the garage.

    Currently there is a concrete base that is not level at all and has some dips etc, I believe there is no dpm, my plan was to lay a dpm and then use some battons and osb to raise the floor level (with some 25mm polystyrene boards between the joists) and then lay the pvc floor on top but I tried to build the frame and the floor is just too uneven for it to sit right, ie it rocks and would take so many packers to make right.

    What's the best way to level the floor for the battons to sit on? I have read about using screed out of sand and cement but seems you can only go certain depths etc and you have to use binding to go into existing base?

    In some places there is a dip of anywhere between 17-25mm, pictures attarched, can I just use sharp sand and compact down or do I use building sand in the dips to level or Is that no good? Thank you

    Attached Files:

  2. BuildingMad

    BuildingMad Screwfix Select

    Double or single garage ?
    Is there a slope down from rear to front ?
    Is pedestrian door at rear or if it is along the side & there is a floor slope where is it. ?
    What is the total height to prevent pedestrian door step down including tiles, OSB & support ?
  3. James sirdifield

    James sirdifield New Member

    Thank you very much for your reply,

    Double or single garage ?- single garage

    Is there a slope down from rear to front ? Not really, actully fairly level going from garage door to back of garage

    Is pedestrian door at rear or if it is along the side & there is a floor slope where is it. ?
    i have door on the side of the garage and then main garage over door at front of garage

    What is the total height to prevent pedestrian door step down including tiles, OSB & support ?

    So I would need to bring up to about 75mm to get it where I want it, but doesn't have to be fully flush, a small step is good.

    Batton is 45x45mm
    Osb is 18mm
    Tiles are 7mm

    So that takes me up to 70mm which will be ok, it's more the fact the frame won't sit flat on floor and will rock back and forth :( due to the levels I guess.

  4. BuildingMad

    BuildingMad Screwfix Select

    If you have got that far with the framing, prop it up level & pack at various points with slate, or quarry tiles.
    You can even create sandwiches with mortar in between, push them under & the mortar oozes out.
    You can bed slates or quarry tiles on mortar.
    Anything similar to that.
    As long as there packings every 450mm c/c
    Make the OSB easily liftable in case any packings vibrate out.
    The slate & quarry tiles will be waterproof.
  5. James sirdifield

    James sirdifield New Member

    Hi, ah excellent OK thanks very much, this sounds like it would be a little easier, will give that a shot! Thank you for your time, have a good afternoon!

  6. jimbobby

    jimbobby Screwfix Select

    Using sand cement and SBR in the correct concentrations will give you a hard water proof floor.
    James sirdifield likes this.
  7. James sirdifield

    James sirdifield New Member

    Thank you :))

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