Low mains pressure, 2 showers needed

Discussion in 'Plumbers' Talk' started by JEZ116, Mar 28, 2024.

  1. JEZ116

    JEZ116 New Member

    I have a combi boiler with pretty poor mains pressure (we're at the top of a hill). Currently have a mixer shower in the ensuite that works fine, until someone turns on a tap! I'd like to add another shower into the main bathroom. I was wondering if there is a way of getting round the low pressure issue without replacing the boiler. There will definitely be times when both showers are needed at the same time.

    I was thinking about adding a cold water tank in the loft and running a gravity fed electric shower in the bathroom, would this work? Could I set the ball cock to only fill when the tank is half empty to try and avoid it drawing water when the shower is being used (as this could effect the pressure on the other mixer shower).

    Let me know if this is a bad idea, or if you think it could work!
  2. terrymac

    terrymac Screwfix Select

    Gravity fed instantaneous electric shower ? Unlikely to work through insufficient pressure. They would normally be fed from the mains cold water.
  3. JEZ116

    JEZ116 New Member

    That's what I thought too, but there seem to be a few out there for low pressure or tank fed systems. I guess they have a pump?

    Eg. T80SR Pumped Electric Shower
  4. terrymac

    terrymac Screwfix Select

    I have no personal knowledge of that type of tank fed , instantaneous shower. Apparently it only needs 80mm head of water minimum ,which is very ,very, little pressure to work. Possibly may be a solution for you.

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