Nanny state

I am not suggesting we should pay them to not work. I am suggesting they should be immediately deported back to france and given absolutely nothing

I hear this a lot, mostly from people who voted for Brexit, the fact is since Britain left the EU it no longer participates in the Dublin III regulation that stipulates migrants must claim asylum in the first EU country they reach, so what you are suggesting we simply can't do unless they agree to take them.

The other problem that Brexit created was to remove the known identity, France has information on migrants coming from France, names, criminal record etc, that information is shared between EU countries, one of the biggest draws to the UK for the wrong sort of migrant is we don't know who they are.

This was well known before Brexit but no one was listening, the UK didn't need to leave the EU to stop EU migration, the UK isn't in Schengen, and like other EU countries could always control it's immigration, what the UK has never controlled was non EU immigration, and that was always going to spiral out of control with the UK out of Europe.
No it is not true, but the amount wanting to come here claiming to be, you would think it was if their lies were believed.

Did you just say 'it's not true' then call them liars:)

Afghan people very rarely tell lies, it's part of their culture and religion, there are two schemes, Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme (ACRS), and the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy (ARAP), the latter is not always to the UK, however, as English speakers, and having served with British forces the majority are going to assume we are friends.
When serving with the British Army they put their lives and the lives of everyone they knew at risk, they bought into it and we withdrew, leaving them to be hunted by the Taliban.
They can be deployed anywhere, most were trained Afghan army, highly skilled operatives and something the UK struggles to recruit and train at massive cost.
It was dictatorial to bring in ulez without a referendum on it. There is very questionable postal votes in london, along with the sick woke lefty luvvies who vote for him. Right minded people would not vote for him.

Have you not paid attention? ULEZ and Pay Per Mile were planned by Boris Johnson and ULEZ was introduced at the behest of the Conservative Government, if it hadn’t been brought in Transport For London would not have received funding post Covid.
If only there was a government website to facilitate all of these really nice (they must be) people a way to offer their homes to illegal immigrants, even on a temporary basis, then they'd surely be content.
Mind, it would probably crash out with the millions signing up every day.
They're still nice people though.
Yes I have, the tories did not bring in ulez, no matter what way you try to spin it. Next you will be saying they brought in the equally hated 20 mph zone in Wales.

Don't think that's right...

The Mayor of London(2015) Boris Johnson, announced: “The world’s first Ultra Low Emission Zone is an essential measure to help improve air quality in our city, protect the health of Londoners, and lengthen our lead as the greatest city on earth.''
Prime Minister David Cameron said: “I welcome this announcement which is a world first and great news for London, helping to enhance the quality of life and creating opportunities for companies who develop and manufacture this kind of technology. This will build on the UK’s strengths in low emission technology and the Government is backing this initiative with £25 million of support.''

It goes on to say ''By 2020, in addition to the ULEZ, Transport for London is committed to ensuring all 300 single decker buses operating in central London are zero emission (e.g. electric), and all 3,000 double deck buses will be hybrid including 800 of the Mayor’s New Routemaster.''
Don't think that's right...

The Mayor of London(2015) Boris Johnson, announced: “The world’s first Ultra Low Emission Zone is an essential measure to help improve air quality in our city, protect the health of Londoners, and lengthen our lead as the greatest city on earth.''
Prime Minister David Cameron said: “I welcome this announcement which is a world first and great news for London, helping to enhance the quality of life and creating opportunities for companies who develop and manufacture this kind of technology. This will build on the UK’s strengths in low emission technology and the Government is backing this initiative with £25 million of support.''

It goes on to say ''By 2020, in addition to the ULEZ, Transport for London is committed to ensuring all 300 single decker buses operating in central London are zero emission (e.g. electric), and all 3,000 double deck buses will be hybrid including 800 of the Mayor’s New Routemaster.''
I don't doubt the facts that anybody has stated. London is nowhere near as good as it used to be . I have no wish to go back there it's a foreign city now , expensive with all it's petty regulations. Ken Livingstone was bad but since they have made it worse Londonistan
Correct me if I'm wrong !
Isn't an MP supposed to represent their community as a voice in parliament ?
Well in all my years not once have I been polled for my opinion , never , nada .
So how does my MP vote for his constituency without asking anyone .
I have asked many people this question and all are like me , never asked .
The government have decided including opposition MP's to ban petrol and diesel sales from whenever and smoking from whenever .
A massive hole has appeared of lost revenue they then commit to increase defence spending ! Please oh great ones where are you getting this money from after killing two lucrative revenues ?
...A massive hole has appeared of lost revenue they then commit to increase defence spending ! Please oh great ones where are you getting this money from after killing two lucrative revenues ?

A significant part of the extra defence spending will be spent with British industry and will go back into the UK economy.
A significant part of the extra defence spending will be spent with British industry and will go back into the UK economy.
But where will they get this money from as they are intent on killing two lucrative revenue streams . It's typical short term thinking by another government . I approve of the extra defence spending but it's always jam tomorrow if they're serious then do it now
But where will they get this money from as they are intent on killing two lucrative revenue streams . It's typical short term thinking by another government . I approve of the extra defence spending but it's always jam tomorrow if they're serious then do it now

The manufacturers need time to set the factories up, but they will start taking on staff and employ contractors who pay taxes and buy their bits from Screwfix and pay VAT.
The manufacturers need time to set the factories up, but they will start taking on staff and employ contractors who pay taxes and buy their bits from Screwfix and pay VAT.
I know manufacturers need time to gear up but you are missing the point . A massive black hole in government finances
Correct me if I'm wrong !
Isn't an MP supposed to represent their community as a voice in parliament ?
Well in all my years not once have I been polled for my opinion , never , nada .
So how does my MP vote for his constituency without asking anyone .
I have asked many people this question and all are like me , never asked .
The government have decided including opposition MP's to ban petrol and diesel sales from whenever and smoking from whenever .
A massive hole has appeared of lost revenue they then commit to increase defence spending ! Please oh great ones where are you getting this money from after killing two lucrative revenues ?

Local elected MP's represent you by you voting for what they represent, so, before you vote, you look at the polices they stand for and you vote for them, or not, based on the things they/and you support, if they don't deliver on those policies you vote them out, if they are introducing policy you don't agree with because you didn't know this is not their fault, it was you that elected them and it is your fault they are introducing those policies, they can't do it without your vote, this is democracy.
If the alternative party has the same policy and 'it doesn't matter who you vote for' because they are all the same, then you need to find another party that supports your view, but also probably should be aware that if all the main parties support something it's probably for the greater good and we are just past it and support a shrinking minority view in the world.
Local elected MP's represent you by you voting for what they represent, so, before you vote, you look at the polices they stand for and you vote for them, or not, based on the things they/and you support, if they don't deliver on those policies you vote them out, if they are introducing policy you don't agree with because you didn't know this is not their fault, it was you that elected them and it is your fault they are introducing those policies, they can't do it without your vote, this is democracy.
If the alternative party has the same policy and 'it doesn't matter who you vote for' because they are all the same, then you need to find another party that supports your view, but also probably should be aware that if all the main parties support something it's probably for the greater good and we are just past it and support a shrinking minority view in the world.
Luckily I'm happy being a minority
I know manufacturers need time to gear up but you are missing the point . A massive black hole in government finances

The current government, the one of fiscal responsibility, has added about a trillion quid to national debt in 14 years, it started with 'austerity measures' and ended in a cost of living crisis + an extra trillion in national debt.

They blamed the last government initially, now they blame immigrants, my advice is steer clear of people that blame others on their watch.