New thread.

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Deleted member 33931, Mar 31, 2018.

  1. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    Is it you?
    It does look a bit like your avatar.
  2. At least as much as it looks like him. :)
  3. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    Did Jack of trades jack it in, or is he touring Europe again?
  4. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    Think I saw him on Benidorm on ITV tonight. ( the chap on his own in the background ) :p:p:p:p:p:p
  5. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    On his jack jones?
  6. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

  7. He's chillin'.
  8. Anyhoo, I got this wrong:

    S'pose you live in a place that has a constant chance of being struck by lightning throughout the year. The strikes occur at random and every day the chance of being struck is the same, and the rate works out at one strike per month.

    Your house gets hit by lightning today, Saturday. What is the most likely next day for your house to be struck again?

    (This is not a trick question, but a purely statistical one).
  9. Jord86

    Jord86 Screwfix Select

    Sunday, as the chance of being struck everyday is the same? Or never, if lightning doesn't strike the same spot twice?
    btiw2 likes this.
  10. facilities

    facilities Guest

    I remember in the last Blackadder in the trenches, Baldrick kept a bullet in his pocket which he had inscribed his name on, his theory being if he had the bullet with his name on it couldn’t be used to shoot him, don’t know what that’s got to do with lightning though, just thought I’d mention it:confused:
    Deleted member 33931 and btiw2 like this.
  11. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    Probability theory is considered one of the least intuitive areas of mathematics.

    That’s an impressive intuitive answer Jord.
    But why Sunday, why not Monday (if all days are equally likely)?

    The question is about the “next” lighting strike. So not only does it have to be hit on that day (which as you say doesn’t favour any day) but for any day (other than Sunday) it had to avoid being hit before that day (otherwise it wouldn’t be the next one). It’s harder to meet two conditions than just one.

    I suppose it also depend what the time is on Saturday we’re asking the question - else Saturday could be the right answer too.

    Here’s another one (assume boys and girls are equally likely).
    My friend has two children. One of them is a girl. What’s the probability that he has two girls?

    I have another friend with two children. The youngest one is a girl. What’s the probability that he has two girls?
    Deleted member 33931 and Jord86 like this.
  12. Jord86

    Jord86 Screwfix Select

    I'm thick as mince when it comes to scenarios such as these, or I tend to overthink massively and end up miles from the obvious :) at first glance I would think the answer to yours would be 50%, but if you hadn't mentioned the existing child's gender then 33%......? I do notice the wording isn't absolutely definitive though........
    Deleted member 33931 likes this.
  13. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    Thick as mince? Seems not, because you’re right (and I don’t think it’s obvious).

    The answers are 1/3 and 1/2.
    So eldest child first we could have

    If we know one is a girl. There are three possibilities: BG, GB, GG. In a third of these they’re both girls. So 1/3

    If we know the youngest is a girl. There are two possibilities BG, GG. In half of these they’re both girls. So 1/2.

    It’s not the age that differentiates them. I could just have easily said the taller one is a girl and listed the possibilities on height (or used any distinguishing attribute).

    Again your intuition is correct. It’s formally known as Bayes’ theorem.

    I’ll start calling you “rain man”.

    No, not because you’re a statistical genius - just because your roofing is ****.

    I’ll stop posting puzzles now, before this turns into the “challenge Jord” thread.
    Deleted member 33931 and Jord86 like this.
  14. Exactly as you say.

    It doesn't make much statistical difference, but it makes a difference. Statistically.
  15. Nice. I wouldn't of got that :oops:.
  16. Jord86

    Jord86 Screwfix Select

    Yeah, I don't think Dustin needs to lose any sleep yet. I've finally thawed out and I'm immediately faced with the sort of examples I used to bunk maths lessons from..... Still, the longer we keep the politics at bay and try to control the stroke faced smilies (;);)) the better. Bring on the mathematics!
    btiw2 likes this.
  17. facilities

    facilities Guest

    neither would I, and DA your specialist subject is ? I'd be quick before half the forum chips in:p
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2018
  18. My specialist subject is exposing pernicious liars on this forum.

    A lot easier than stats or politics.
  19. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    Okay. This is a classic. Don’t post the answer if you’ve seen it before.

    It’s lunchtime and your mate goes off for sandwiches. He comes back with three paper bags. Inside one is a lovely bacon, sausage and egg sandwich. The other two contain hummus (or something equally foul). Your mate knows what’s in each bag and he lets you choose a bag.

    They all look the same, so you choose one at random (say bag number 1).
    “Good job you didn’t choose bag number 2” he laughs and shows you that bag number 2 was hummus.
    “Still happy with bag number 1, or do you want to change and choose bag number 3?” he asks.

    Do you stick with bag number 1, change to bag number 3 or doesn’t it make a difference?
  20. facilities

    facilities Guest

    Easy, I'd stick with the first bag I chose like I did 45 years ago:(
    Jord86 and btiw2 like this.

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