New windows


New Member
Hi all,

Last week I had some new triple glazing installed, we had saved for a while to get the windows replaced that were really old and broken and from before we brought the house, although at first it seemed like a good job was done when checking them the next day (couldn't check before they finished as it was dark) we noticed a few issues that have been reported to the company, they agreed one of the windows had a defect as the glass was pitted and are going to replace it but we found a few faults and are still waiting on a response.

They say they are looking into it and will get back to us with a solution next week but before they do I wanted your opinions on the work and what needs to be done to resolve it as I'm nowhere near an expert and don't want to either get fobbed off or expect something unrealistic.

Ive attached some pictures of the faults yet to be agreed on that I've noticed and are as follows:

1) Possible crack in middle pain of glass in one of the windows!AqDjkVI1YQ7wnxVmZibioWy5yxtM

2) crease or crack in Window frame of large window downstairs window along with chipping on another section!AqDjkVI1YQ7wnxKskei-RPFTJa1b!AqDjkVI1YQ7wnxNw1-w59ubO_1zX

3) end of new windowsill just filled with sealant and no end cap!AqDjkVI1YQ7wnxQMG6WJgW3auNsn

There is also some stains that have appeared over the last few days on all the windows, I'm guessing it's just some residue that as its dried has turned black, any idea how to remove it as soap and water isn't working and don't want to damage the windows!AqDjkVI1YQ7wnxGwOtalgcUXiRt0

Thanks for any help and advice, we put off getting it done due to the cost and we used a firm that was supposed to have a good reputation as someone we knew had used them before but now I'm worried I'll have issues with them.
Worked for me john.
First, I'm no window expert.
But so far looking at those pictures that is appalling.
Shoddy & badly finished.
I think unless they replace all those bad points you have raised I would suggest you reject them.
But thats from viewing your pictures.
Works now for me!!

All those points need addressing. The end cap : bung it up with silicone as we’ve lost the proper end cap. That typical of **** window fitters

and if the internal finish has now discoloured get them to clean it
Thanks for the replies, I'll chase them after the bank holiday and see if there's an update on what they are going to do.

I'm glad I'm not being unrealistic, we paid a lot for them, just out of interest any fitters willing to say how long it should have taken two of them to install 8 windows and 2 doors? was originally told 3-4 days but only took them 2 and didn't start until 11am on first day although they did work up until around 7pm both days, just wondering if they were rushing for some reason and bodged it.

Anyone have any idea why the inside has started to discolour already after less than two weeks, you can wipe off some of it but most isn't shifting and even the stuff you can wipe off leaves a faint outline underneath, could something they used during installation have stained them, it only appeared a few days after?
I’m only diy but, here’s my thoughts;

1. crack - can’t see it myself, maybe my phone/eyes

2. crease in frame - are these frames vinyl or foil wrapped ? Looks like a crease in the covering - unacceptable

3. missing end cap - joke (but not funny) Would have been better for them to be honest and tell you it’s gone missing, will replace it in a few days / weeks time. Bodging it with sili is taking the ‘p’ out of the customer and treating you like an idiot, expecting you to not notice / accept their ‘work around’

4. The stains are where the fitters have smeared silicone all over the frames. They’ve wiped away the worst but smeared a film of sili over the frames. This then attracts dirt and dust and goes from almost invisible white silicone to black marks

Can be cleaned off with a upvc frame cleaner / methylated spirits but why should you have to do this ? Should be part of their job - a thorough clean, not just smearing the sili with paper towels

Anyway, good luck getting the above resolved