If the bigots wern't give a platform to spout their race hate, from both sides of the spectrum, then that may help. The redtops in Britian that have done so much to spread racial hatred, which like it or not has contributed to brexit, are all owned by non UK taxpayers. I think the internet has however allowed the spread of hatred to a much greater amount, I'm not sure what can be done about this other than not allowing this way of thinking to become acceptable in mainstream thinking. Yes you can be a bigoted racist but you are not allowed to think that this is OK and that you can spread your bile without consequence. I know that various members of this forum think I set this as a trap to make them say something racist but if you don't think racist thoughts then you don't say racist statements, I know one member on here who has told me that they can't express their views because they would get banned and I think that is good. Your views are abhorrent and not fit to be written. I know the u/s will come after me for this and twist my words but frankly my dear I don't give a damn.
Have you made any original comments? I didn't think you would be the first to make an inane reply but there you go.
Who decides what level of bigotry is acceptable or unacceptable? Better to tackle it with reason and facts, banning anything appears to give it a mystique and creates victims who feel marginalised and prone to extreme measures. Racism has been devalued it's levelled at people in a laissez faire manner to shut down debate (like peole who voted for Brexit), in fact there are a number isms pertaining to several minority groups that we have to be mindful of, creating a one society cannot be formed on identity politics as it is today it even frustrated people like me.
Five sentences and one paragraph of original writing and you pick up on that!? You're not in Kansas anymore.
That is a discussion that needs to be had, outright censorship is wrong but also giving a mainstream platform to racists is wrong. I understand what you are saying re Brexit and had been said many times not all leavers are racist but all racists are leavers and you can't have a discussion without raising that point. There are vocal leavers on here who are self admitted racists and they are very happy calling others racist. This wasn't supposed to be a post about brexit but rather the wider world wide problem of extremists and who is radicalising them.
Challenging the lies is the main concern really. Lots of the utterly factually incorrect nonsense that loudmouths on all sides spout is just waved through. The volume of dishonesty means that plenty slips by.
Reading this and Mr Brenton's manifesto, call me racist, but you are implying that the part of society, refusing even attempt in to being inclusive part, the one, that does self segregation, rejection of ways of host nations culture isn't a tad to blame?
Hey Mr A, liked your post but don’t have a clue what laissez faire is, having said that “Who decides what level of bigotry is acceptable or unacceptable?” Well on this forum its Chippie or he would like to think so, When he isn’t polishing his halo he amuses himself thinking up contentious threads and posting, then hoping that some long standing members or new (he doesn’t discriminate) falls into the trap of trying to engage in reasonable debate (he’s a bit like the venus fly trap for the unwary) but don’t take my word for it check out his history, In my opinion if he had his way he would ban quite a few on here that had a different opinion to himself, but he isn’t a moderator so other peeps opinions which differ to his are allowed access to this forum Personally I enjoy his contributions they always give me a giggle and brighten my day and really miss him on the occasions when he receives a ban Don’t misunderstand me this thread is one of the saddest I have commented on and my heart goes out to the poor people involved in this tragedy, but seeing as your a new member I thought I would enlighten you, all is not as it seems. As sure as night follows day he will be along very shortly.
Racism definition is presented only in one side- extremism, even talking about; the other side is equally racist, but in a form that is "not", just because they do not speak about it with us, for them we are nothing- "irrelevant things", that are of way lesser importance, than their imaginary friend. It is manifested same in their native countries and cultures, but also in the host nations/countries.
As sad as it is what happened, two prominent ISIS members, killed by a drone in Syria have been radicalised in the same mosque
The other pair of "Ozzie's" https://mobile.almasdarnews.com/article/two-australian-isis-members-killed-syria-iraq/ Some other "Australian" https://www.islamicinvitationturkey.com/australian-isis-terrorist-allegedly-killed-in-syria/ (Notably 80 of those) Some or the other... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...S-terrorist-Khaled-Sharrouf-killed-Syria.html Just can not find (remeber) the article stating exactly those 2, from specifically that mosque or... It has got removed, since yesterday
Kinda sorta, but calling one side being extremists, just for talking about it isn't fair, when other side is extremist by nature of their sect rules and "laws"