New Zealand

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They are entitled to have their "safe spaces"

But isn't Hate Speech a crime?
Is it not an offence to incite racial and homophobic hatred through such speech used on these forums?
While not the easiest thing to patrol there should be some way to prevent this kind of disease spreading through the internet and infecting our lives.
Time Berners-Lee expressed a fear that the internet had become twisted out of all recognition from the WorldWideWeb he envisaged thirty years ago and when you see such an abhorrent act of violence shared over one million times via social media he really does have a point.
I've had to put up with some weird and wacky behaviour since i started surfing the web in the mid-90s and despite the eejits you sometimes bumped into it really was a halcyon age compared to this shitstorm of misinformation and maladjusted hate.
As we have seen on this post there are people who for their own purposes are quite prepared to twist the truth and downright lie if they think it will achieve their aims and their aims aren't friendliness and co-operation but to spread hatred and discord.
Tram shooting in the Netherlands, Beeb reporting 3 dead. No doubt the gunman was 'set off' by events in Christchurch. Very sensible comments on here by sensible people sad fact is too many unbalanced minds out there. Sadly, like High school shootings in the US, others will happen. We can't understand why because we can't get inside the head of those crazies.
Have you made any original comments?
I didn't think you would be the first to make an inane reply but there you go.
It just jumped out at me and required an inane comment, as you say. I try not to be original on this site as our Electrical Regulations specify 'routes to compliance' which with some appear to be the only way.
Tram shooting in the Netherlands, Beeb reporting 3 dead. No doubt the gunman was 'set off' by events in Christchurch. Very sensible comments on here by sensible people sad fact is too many unbalanced minds out there. Sadly, like High school shootings in the US, others will happen. We can't understand why because we can't get inside the head of those crazies.

"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind."
It just jumped out at me and required an inane comment, as you say. I try not to be original on this site as our Electrical Regulations specify 'routes to compliance' which with some appear to be the only way.
It's probably best to just ignore them. They'll soon get bored and move along onto whatever new atrocity unashamedly compels them to reach for the brasso.
3,000 yadizi found in mass grave killed by ISIL thoughts

Well it hasn't happened is one thought although that is about the number of yazidi killed by ISIS.

It is appalling as genocide always is and thankfully their murderous reign is very nearly over.