So lets say money gets paid? It has to be transferred from somewhere to somewhere, and able to be used from there or there is no point in obtaining the money. I don't believe it is non traceable. Just a case of how many resources needed and interest in tracing it is the question
Fairly easy using Virtual private network (VPN) & TOR client,spoof you MAC address before using public WIFI no requirement to provide your personal details to make an internet connection, so much harder to trace things back to you.
I honestly think that there is hope for, JoT still. The pull of, DA's rose tinted view of the world has certainly proved a hard force to resist for the boy, I mean , who wouldn't be tempted towards a life of blissful ignorance?. A life of flowers and woodland everglades populated by doe-eyed creatures that are all to happy to offer themselves willingly so you can relish their succulence and nourishment. DA, swallowed the 'blue pill' a good whiles back, you, on the other hand, Jack, are undecided, I know you want to, but don't do it man, for your own sake, be a man and take the red one. Too late. .
You have finally explained yourself. I dont take any pills. You obviously tookthe red one. Pity you cant see what it has done to you. Be a real man and ditch all the pills, and open your eyes again
Well. Amber Rudd has now said the NHS is to update all it's systems. Hmmmm seems we've been here before. (wondering how much money she'll make available for this? )
Ermmmm this thread is about the cyber attack on , not only the NHS, but worldwide. Please leave Brexit out of it.
I think you will find the thread says nhs. My posts and comments are related. It wasnt about brexit, it was a reference. So you happy supporting the tories with the nhs? Did you read that link ?
Then kindly reference either the cyber attack or the NHS only. Yes I did click the link to the Mirror.. Tell me, why do you think cash strapped NHS trusts, choose to spend money on operations and patients , rather than spend it on computer security? Should you need a life saving operation, are you going to choose a trust that has the best cyber security, or one that has the best surgeons? Hmmmmm (You'd probably choose the one that offers free wifi,, wouldn't ya)
What a well thought out response. You dont think it highlights the attitude to the nhs then? Vote for them by all means. But dont keep bleating on about how stretched the nhs is if you are not prepared to do something about it.
Jack, you said you referenced Brexit. I've just referenced the whole of yesterdays cyber attack. At least I've referenced something "directly related" to the NHS. (and you'd still choose the hospital offering free wifi. Admit it ,, you would )