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I've just read a few of the articles that you're referring to and to be honest I have never read anything with as much use of the words:Interesting article in various news outlets,including the daily mail so it must have been read by a few usual suspects here.
Trump and USA appear to be favouring a deal with EU at the UK's expense.
All this, after Trump supported Brexit.
Divide and conquer anybody?
Don't worry, we export so much more than we import we will be ok. Oh, no we don't, thats why the brexit claims are hope based not logic based.
Come on, Jack. It's a non-story, even 'you' must be able to see past the headlines on this one.
I do love the bit about, Donald asking Angela, for trade talks with the Germans over ten times before it sunk in that it was the whole EU or nothing. His reply:
"We'll do a trade deal with europe, then".
You couldn't make it up.....
Oh, no, hold on, yes you could.
Someone did.