I found this forum havin put a question on about banging water pipes. After plumbers (from local authority) couldn't fix it. Neighbour couldn't fix it. Son in law couldn't fix it.aaaargh Banging when taps were turned off banging when washin machine filled. It was drivin me crazy. Guess wot fellas. After 5months I have fixed it. Yay. I'd so had enough enough and back was aching like crazy cos I had to move furniture around as had blinds fitted. But got peed off with the banging that after an hour of investigation I discovered the prob and am soooo proud to say. I fixed it yay! U know I have a photo of me at 9yrs old standing on roof of my grandmas bungalow that my dad and grandad had built. I was helpin pops with tiling. Today 50 odd yrs later when I fixed the banging pipes when no one else could, I smiled and thought...'yep you are you fathers daughter' God rest his soul.
They did take over another nations country and then try and drive them into the sea, a task which they are still happily following.
Carry on as normal? What? When your son/daughter, brother/sister, niece/nephew, cousin, friend or colleague, is lying dead or mangled on the street because an unknown, but obvious religious fanatic thought, oh i know, let's drive a big truck into a crowd of people for a laugh. Yeah, they're only messing about, ignore em, they'll go away eventually. Really?
Nobody with any compsssion supports them But once you change your way of life they have won. Keep your eyes open and wits about you, but carry on living. The less air time they get, the weaker they get.
Yes, exactly. Whilst keeping the policies of fighting them at their roots in the Middle East and also their funding. Longs, consider what would happen if, as a direct result of the atrocity in Germany, Merkel were to lose the next election or change her policy to refugees. Please consider this. 1) A lone (that's ONE, one single person, by all accounts a common criminal, a thug, a drug dealer) Islamic loon would have altered one of the most powerful democracies in the western world. 2) This is EXACTLY what they want to do, and it would be a MAJOR propaganda coup for them. 3) Their recruiting powers would increase as a result - SEE OUR MARTYR! See what he did! YOU can do this! Praise Allah! 4) 'Home-grown' terrorism would not stop - it would almost certainly increase - see point 3. 5) The West would be punishing innocent people, genuine refugees. 6) We would have lost - forever - part of our human soul. Our freedom. Our democracy. Our decency. So, to sum up, if we don't 'carry on as normal' with what WE want as a compassionate Western democracy, then we will have landed the Islamists a victory, increased the likelihood (certainly not reduced) of further attacks, and exposed ourselves as weak-willed people not having the courage of our democratic convictions. The Islamists would have won.
Our current situation is that we are winning, both 'on the ground' in the Middle East where Isis are having a hellish time and are being beaten, driven back and also having their funding sources nobbled, but also in spirit. We, in the West, have demonstrated to the world what a compassionate people we are, that we welcome people who have suffered a lot more than we could imagine, and that we are not prejudiced against any peoples. We are winning hearts and minds. And that is what will win the peace for our pitiful world. It is certainly not the Farage way.
Point 1 of yours That is part of the issue that has never really been highlighted by the authorities, or media, or the religious believers. I dont agree with their reasons or cause, but I do understand if my or my families way of life was under threat, I would be likely to react. However, the people doing these atrocities, always seem to have been convicted of drugs and/or other crimes and drink and smoking etc. So they are not true believers or followers of their own system of beliefs. Just disenfranchised petty criminals, turned, for somebody elses gain.
5) The West would be punishing innocent people, genuine refugees. We can't have that can we. Since it was the wests interference, that they are now refugees. Cause a problem. Try and cure a problem. Create a problem. Clever peeps these Westen politician's.
I really did wonder what sort of reply you'd make, Phil. You never disappoint with your disappointing comments.
Do you think so? I dont. Im definitely not a "lefty", but was that meant as an insult? Hope you have a great christmas with great meal etc, don't think about any others, will you. Unbelievable attitude, nothing else needs saying, you have said it yourself! Kools, can you support that statement of PTP's ?
Blimey, didn't know you could get left of left, but you have just proved me wrong. Hope you enjoy your Christmas, knowing full well that so called do gooders like you are solely responsible for the uprise in ISIS.
If you would like too tell the friends and families of the people caught up in this that it doesn't matter, just carry on as normal then go ahead. I would advise against it tho, for your own sake. Yes, I completely agree that we should keep on attacking these fanatics, wipe the lot of them out for all I care, they're scum, sub human barbarians, but in doing so, 'you' surely can accept that, that is by-far the biggest and loudest recruiting sergeant they have. Yes? Having proper checks and procedures in place for all refugees entering the EU, or any other countries is the sensible thing too do, it may be an inconvenience that the vast majority of genuine claimants, will, I'm sure understand. To label it a punishment is ridiculous. It is however one line of defense against those who come here for less than good reasons. Merkel may well be allowing un-vetted asylum seekers into Germany entirely for her own conscience, or political point scoring, I don't know which, but I have my suspicions. Whatever the reason it's a stupidly reckless one. As has been shown on several occasions.