Did you hear about the fellow who misread his viagra instructions? He took twenty, minutes before sex.....
I can't claim this - I think it was Frank Muir on a radio quiz answering the question "What does DNA stand for?" Answer - National Dyslexia Association. Apologies to Dyslexics if that offends.
Don't worry Willy, even if it doesn't offend I can't see this thread lasting long..... Me and my new girlfriend both suffer from dyslexia, we've been trying our favourite position for a few weeks now but seem to be struggling, how does a 96 work again?
A recent survey suggests that when showering, 70% of females prefer l'oreal shampoo over other brands. 99% of females interviewed also stated "HOW THE FXXX DID YOU GET IN HERE!!!???
A wife says to her husband: "You’re always pushing me around and talking behind my back". He says: "What do you expect? You’re in a wheelchair".
The wife has been missing a week now. Police said to prepare for the worst. So I've been to the charity shop to get all her clothes back.
I’m distraught, the mrs only went out for a bottle of milk 4 days ago and she’s not been back, a good friend of mine asked me am I coping, well yes I am I’m using The powdered stuff
In the Pub earlier I was telling that age old joke about what you do if you see an epileptic having a fit in the bath. Answer: throw in your washing. Anyway, having told it earlier, a bloke tapped me on the shoulder and said “that's really not very funny. My brother was an epileptic and he died in the bath during one of his fits.” I said “I'm really sorry mate. Did he drown?” “No,” he said, “he choked on a sock.”
I’ve been so lonely since the wife left. To cheer myself up, I’ve blown a thousand pounds on hookers, drugs and booze..................I bet the wife’ll throw one of her hissy fits when she gets off night shift in the morning.
Friend of mine went into the docs and she asked the doc how can she get bigger boobs? Doc gave her some toilet roll and told her to keep rubbing it on her boobs 4 times a day. She was shocked and asked how does that work? Doc said looking at the size of your butt i would think it will work a treat!
Don't worry Willy, as soon as it gets outside to the wider world, there's be loads of people taking offence, they'll be "shocked" and "traumatised"