
Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by WillyEckerslike, Feb 4, 2018.

  1. facilities

    facilities Guest

    Thought you used to be a chariot fitter :p
    KIAB likes this.
  2. Astramax

    Astramax Super Member

    Heard that one years ago when my old head teacher was reading aloud 'The Old Testament' :D.
  3. RolandK

    RolandK Screwfix Select

    "Mummy, mummy, there's a man at the door with a bill".
    "Don't be silly dear, it must be a duck with a hat on".
  4. Harry Stottle

    Harry Stottle Screwfix Select

    I was in the pub with a mate yesterday, I finished my drink and said "your round" He said "And so are you, you fat sod"
  5. HarDeBloodyHarHar

    HarDeBloodyHarHar Active Member

    He wouldn't have said that if DA was here!
  6. facilities

    facilities Guest

    R I P. DA
  7. HarDeBloodyHarHar

    HarDeBloodyHarHar Active Member

  8. Bob Rathbone

    Bob Rathbone Screwfix Select

    We're not telling new jokes here, just reminiscing and recycling the past.
  9. Astramax

    Astramax Super Member

    Went to the shops today to buy some vegetables and the greengrocer had a lettuce poking out of his backside so I said to him 'What's that lettuce stuck up your backside for' he replied 'That's only the tip of the Iceberg'.
    KIAB likes this.
  10. dinkydo

    dinkydo Screwfix Select

  11. dinkydo

    dinkydo Screwfix Select

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