Painting using Pliolite paint on wet surfaces..

Bob Fage

New Member
Hi there,

Of course painting exterior walls requires a dry surface - however is it possible to paint using Pliolite paint on new render that has dried for 5 weeks, but it has been raining slightly for the past few days?
i realise it is not ideal but scaffolding is expensive! From what i understand, Weathertex Pliolite in particular is a good option as it is one of the most breathable, but will this work onto slightly rain wet walls?
And does Pliolite paint require a primer ?

Thanks in advance for your time
I wouldn't be concerned about coating up provided it's damp and not wet. The wall will dry out through the paint . A thinned coat for the base is usual . You may well inadvertently achieve this having a damp wall. . However, if it rains before it's fully dry you could be in trouble. If its regular render no need to prime.