Plywood under laminate?

Discussion in 'Carpenters' Talk' started by CNorris, Jun 20, 2021.

  1. CNorris

    CNorris New Member


    My floorboards aren't the best and creak a bit. Some have been cut to get access to pipes and cables and I don't think I'll stop them all creaking unless I replace every nail with a screw!

    So I've bought some 8mm thick laminate flooring and some 5mm fibre board underlay, but I'm thinking about putting plywood down first because if I screw it to the floorboards it might stop them squeaking.

    Is there anything wrong with doing that? (other than the cost)

    If not, what kind of plywood do I need and is 5.5mm thick enough?

  2. Jord86

    Jord86 Screwfix Select

    Plywood is a waste of time, you need to screw the floorboards down tightly to eliminate the creaks.
  3. I-Man

    I-Man Screwfix Select

    Exactly what Jord said... need to deal with the actual issue, not cover it up

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