Political correctness

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We do need to do something but I think we need the west to stand beside us on this as we just lack enough power and political clout to have an effect on Russia.
Are you hinting at world war 2?

Cause we were being supplied by the US and had France with us although I will give you that they fell quickly.

Although times have moved on and we did react back in 2006 to the previous attack in which they used radiation. Although the rest of the west never really done much but relation are a bit more stretched now with Russia.
We did what before in 1939?

Took on a superior force

And what ultimately led to the scuppering of the Nazi's conquest of Europe in the 40's?

With a little help from our friends across the pond and Ironically Russia. We were on our own for nigh on 2 years except for some arms that the yanks supplied a year into the war,

There is also another instance of the United Kingdom engaging an enemy nation and winning against all the odds, yes you’ve guessed it the Falklands War, for those too young or those that are not aware of realativly recent history we sent a task force half way across the world and defeated a not inconsiderable enemy on their doorstep.

Around the same time there was the Iranian Embassy siege, where the SAS stormed the building and shot dead 5 Arab terrorists, if it were to happen today I should imagine the SAS would be under orders to make sure a few white folk were shot in the interests of PC

Anyone guess the common denominator in the above events, well dont think too long I’ll tell ya, 2 single minded and strong PMs who had the UKs interests at heart, and would not take s###e from the rest of the world,

Oh how times have changed

Ironic, eh?
Meant to mention, Europe were no use to us then either
I think nearly all historians will tell you that it was the Russians that defeated the Krauts.
Not single handedly, admittedly, but Russians killed about five times the number of Fritz as the allies (depending on how you count them).
The eastern front was not only responsible for destroying millions of Hun, it also had some really, really important battles.
The Bosch were knackered, on their knees, by the time of the d-day landings.
About the only metric where the allies did "better" was on was number of Square-heads captured.
The allies definitely helped, but we didn't destroy Jerry.

I'd continue, but I'm all out of pejoratives for sausage-suckers.
I think nearly all historians will tell you that it was the Russians that defeated the Krauts.
Not single handedly, admittedly, but Russians killed about five times the number of Fritz as the allies (depending on how you count them).
The eastern front was not only responsible for destroying millions of Hun, it also had some really, really important battles.
The Bosch were knackered, on their knees, by the time of the d-day landings.
About the only metric where the allies did "better" was on was number of Square-heads captured.
The allies definitely helped, but we didn't destroy Jerry.

I'd continue, but I'm all out of pejoratives for sausage-suckers.


I think you'll find the turning point was when GREAT BRITAIN said to 'itler "Have you any idea who you are dealing with?"

Phew, thank you.

"With a little(?) help from our friends across the pond and Ironically Russia (yup). " which doesn't read quite the same as your post #864

As for the rest of your reply, I think you may be ill.
What time is Chips home, this thread could do with a bit of common sense :D:D:D:(:confused:
I think we're heading for a showdown.

Watching Putin smirking on the news yesterday as he shrugged off the question posed to him by the BBC, I think it's clear that he reckons this is all doing him good.

His fans love this - just as Trump's supporters fawn over him whenever he goes all 'loudmouth'.

And, if we impose more sanctions - which currently, I understand, have only slightly dented Russia's economy - Putin simply uses it as the cause of Russia's woes. It's a win-win for him.

Sadly, a large segment of the Russian population are not very informed. (For once, I'll avoid the obvious parallels here and in the US. Oops, too late.)

Is it time to mark a line in the sand? Is it time to encourage the Ukraine to join NATO? Is it time for the West to tell Russia 'enough' - and get the **** out of the Crimea while you are at it?! And be ready to handle the consequences. Which could, of course, be severe, tho' there's a chance that ultimately the guy will know when the game is up.

These are not good times.
Thinking about it.

If we wanted to work out who defeated Hitler, the answer would be Hitler.

Hitler killed 100% of the Hitlers.

See, he wasn't all bad.

Man, you sure know how to lighten a situation :)
Just been listening to my local radio phone in concerning pc in the workplace and in general, in the studio was a female expert on such things who is in the process of making a tv documentary on the subject, the D J made a point of saying if he compliments a female member of staff on a new outfit he immediately qualifies this by saying I hope you don’t mind me saying, the expert on these things said that is the correct way of complimenting someone as it give that person an opportunity to reject the compliment, is it me or is this P C gone mad ?

Ok Ok, has this first post bin answered yet ? :confused: