Gaps between boards, holes from where knots have fallen out, pipe cutout (3rd picture) not a problem and the underlay will take care of all of these
I would go with the green compressed fibre type underlay as thicker and performs better than the 1-2mm foam type
Where the board is higher by 4mm, this does need sorting though as the underlay alone won’t even this out and will cause problems when laying the laminate
I would lift this board/s and see if you can work out what’s causing this difference in heights. May have always been this way due to uneven joists. If carpet and underlay was previously laid, then this could have coped with the 4mm but not laminate flooring
Could also be higher due to previous bodge repairs due to plumbing / electrical works being carried out - extra timber added here and there or floorboard could even be sitting on pipework (which needs sorting anyway)
Odd floorboards could have been used to patch in damaged boards from lifting, and these do come in various thicknesses
So either way, needs sorting for sure, do some detective work first by lifting these higher boards
Good there’s no movement but good time to check again, bouncing over total floor to dbl check minimum movement and no squeaking boards - now is the time to rectify any of these issues - good luck and report back !