R.I.P Mary Ellis

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Isitreally, Jul 26, 2018.

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  1. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    On your last point yes.
    You were suggesting that only sensible women should have an abortion and if that wasn't what you meant then perhaps you should be more careful about the views you post.
  2. Heat

    Heat Screwfix Select

    No I don’t want to judge any women for abortion qualification.
    But as you earlier stated, abortion is a serious matter of some consideration and some women ignore that.
  3. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    There you go again.
    What right do you, or anyone else, have to decide if some one has thought about something enough?
    Are you from NI BTW?
  4. goldenboy

    goldenboy Super Member


    Surely that is their right.

    But you absolutely are judging some women.
  5. Heat

    Heat Screwfix Select

    I was never suggesting “only sensible” women should have abortions.
    My view on that “sensible” point you repeat should be very clear finally here, - The law on abortion in U.K. (except NI) allows any woman to have it, no matter their reason. That is clearly not ideal, even from a pro abortion stance.
    If someone who is completely for abortion cannot see how the law opens the door too wide, then nothing I can add.
  6. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Do you think that women use abortion as a first choice of contraception?
  7. Heat

    Heat Screwfix Select

    Why not? Women, just like men are a mixed bunch. We all do not fit into a perfect persona.
  8. Heat

    Heat Screwfix Select

    You know that is a leading question with too many points.
    I know women are not all the same.
    A minority will be reckless no doubt.
    If men could get pregnant, then many of us would do accidentally. We are no different.
    But I think everyone should agree it is surely a last resort
  9. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    It has only one point, do you think that women use abortion as a first choice for contraception?
  10. Heat

    Heat Screwfix Select

    Obviously I wouldn’t be able to know how each women decides.
    But we all know the reality.

    Again, I wasn’t suggesting about “sensible” women. Merely putting it out there that not all abortions are for same reasons.
    And don’t worry about me being careful about my views that I post here. I know forum rules and I am not racist, sexist, etc, nor would I post anything that clearly appears to read as such.
    Besides, having a belief against abortion is allowed in the U.K.
    To hold that belief is not anything against women.
    As I earlier stated, my partner, who is a woman, is pro choice, but actually anti abortion to some extent.
  11. Heat

    Heat Screwfix Select

    I disagree. It is not a Yes or No answer.
    But I know what you are leading to.
    Obviously the answer is a No for most women.
    Abortion is their last resort.
    The complexity of circumstances a woman could find herself in are numerous.
    Still doesn’t explain why some women would have several abortions.
    I won’t go into other reasons (given by women) for terminations.
  12. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    On your first point you are contradicting yourself, you don't know how women decide but you do.

    No not all abortions are for the same reasons, other than the obvious but whatever reason they are for is up to the woman having it and no one else.

    I wasn't warning you about forum rules it was more about contradicting yourself but you don't seem to have a problem with that.
  13. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Do women have to explain to you why they have had several abortions?
    What are these other reasons?
  14. Heat

    Heat Screwfix Select

    I am not troubled with you thinking I am contradicting myself. :p
    NOBODY could know ANYONE’S depth of thought and reason for doing anything. But do not forget, we HAVE it verbally (if proof were needed) from some of the women themselves, -,many with very valid understandable reasons, but also some with other reasons I will not repeat.
    Oh, and I do notice you do the short question, obtain an honest long answer, then take the answer to pieces trick. ;)
    Sort of police questioning, but I am up to it.
  15. Heat

    Heat Screwfix Select

    Women who have several abortions do not have to explain to anyone. That is the way the law works.
    If I start talking about reasons for abortions, it will go to far tbh. So I would rather not.
    Heading to bed now, hard day ahead. :)
  16. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    I'm glad you're not bothered about contradicting yourself as you do it in most of your post which leads us on to your second sentence.
    "No one knows anybody's reason for anything apart for some things I have been told but won't disclose"
    I have no idea what point you're trying to make here.

    I'm just trying to get to the bottom of your thought process that thinks you have any right to decide what anybody else does with their body.

    I did have a look at sexual health clinics in NI and if you attend one you have to give your name, address, phone number, your GP's name and give permission to contact them.
  17. Heat

    Heat Screwfix Select

    If you read my last post properly Chippie, you will understand it.
    Reads fine to me and no contradictions.
    It would help perhaps if you actually used my exact words when quoting, rather than some of your own.
    Perhaps you are tiring at this late hour.
    Speak tomorrow :)
  18. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Read it again tomorrow and you might see the contradictions, you cannot not know someone's reasons and also know their reasons.

    The fact that it doesn't matter what their reasons are and it has nothing to do with you is another point.

    Human rights are for all humans not just the ones that you think are sensible.
  19. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

  20. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    His avatar went missing from the members’ board after that gem. Whether the post was according-to-Hoyle racist or not, my guess is the moderators thought it was inappropriate.
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