
Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Harry Stottle, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    It was the legs 11 that won it for me ;) he's not the first man I've distracted with my pins :) and I doubt he will be the last :D
  2. plumber-boy

    plumber-boy Well-Known Member

    Bet their not as nice as mine.:rolleyes::D manchesters-finest-tom-marshman-leg.jpg
  3. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    :eek: There's not much to play about with :eek: your never gonna pull the chicks looking like that pb :confused::D
  4. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    Don't know about plumb Boy, more like plumb GIRL. :p:p
  5. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    Pics or you're lying. :D
  6. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    My best feature actually :rolleyes::rolleyes: even my daughter is jealous of my pins :p:D
  7. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    As above. :rolleyes:
  8. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    :rolleyes: Says the man who hasn't even given us a headshot ;)
  9. malkie129

    malkie129 Screwfix Select

    When I was working, the office girls were jealous of mine when I wore shorts..."and you don't even have to shave them !" LOL :D
  10. malkie129

    malkie129 Screwfix Select

    No probs, so long as you like burgers. :D
  11. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    Mystery is what keeps you keen, wouldn't want to spoil that now would I.
  12. plumber-boy

    plumber-boy Well-Known Member

    Phil the paver. Funny-UglyMan.jpg
  13. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    smiley-laughing025.gif Bet he's got a bigger peanut than you though pb ;)
  14. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    PB, I told you what would happen if you ever posted my pic, I sent that to you privately. :mad::mad::mad::mad:, I'm going come round yours a put pin holes in all your pipes. :p:p
    plumber-boy likes this.
  15. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    I like mine well done though malkie o_O I don't want it mooing.
  16. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    Not much chance of shorts now though malkie? Blooming weather :eek: I will be losing my tan at this rate :eek:
  17. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    Noooooo, rip its head off and wipe its ****, that's how to eat meat, after all the best meat is raw. :D:D
  18. miss pickle

    miss pickle Well-Known Member

    Oooh your an animal!!! Proper cave man style thinking.gif yeah I reckon I quite like the whole cave man thing. To a point ;) obviously o_O hence why I fancy the backside of bear grylls. Swoon:rolleyes: do you climb phil o_O:)
  19. malkie129

    malkie129 Screwfix Select

    You'er ok Miss P, halfway between burnt & b**gered. As for the shorts, I don't wear jeans until I come back from my two weeks in Majorca in October....Maybe I should have been a postman! :D
  20. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    Have done an Outwards Bounds course in Wales, that included climbing, absailing. Amongst many other things.

    But Bear Grylls I aint, he's a fooking *****. :p:p

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