Relax, folks, there is

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Deleted member 33931, Aug 13, 2017.

  1. I met a German once who didn't do any of these things.

    Phew, how lucky was I, eh?
  2. P J Thompson

    P J Thompson Active Member

    Oddly, so have I.
    I met one who gave me some stuff too :)
  3. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    Extremely lucky I reckon DA
  4. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    Sold you some stuff, ya mean, bleedin capitalists, all of em!
  5. Extremely bigoted I reckon, JJ :p:D
  6. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    So we're going to play the "stereotype a nationality on the bad ones we notice game"?

    Germans: Pushed into queues, reserved sunbeds and pilfered breakfast?
    That's pretty strong stuff.
    I would have gone for "made a real mess in Poland too", but I guess these things have a half-life.

    I wonder what how us Brits will be judged now that JJ has opened this can of duty-free worms.
    I'll stick to tabloid coverage (I know how you like those JJ).
    Some of the first page of a google search for "British tourist behaviour":
    You have a hatred for people who "generally act in an unsociable way" on holiday and you picked... the Germans?

    There was also a tabloid story about a British girl who *ahem* entertained (there's no way a more graphic description wouldn't get me banned) 24 men in a public bar.
    Is that typical "British" sociable behaviour?
    If so, what are you planning to get up to on your holidays JJ?!
    Actually - don't tell us. I'm sure there are other forums for those sorts of answers.
    Deleted member 33931 likes this.
  7. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

  8. See?

    I was all sarcy in one post, and called JJ's comment 'bigoted' in another.

    You come on here all rational and mamby-pamby, citing yer links and yer evidence and yer bleedin' reason.

    They have something in common - our respective posts will make no difference. Have no effect.

    But I enjoyed mine :)

    I'm shallow.
  9. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    I really didn't think my post would make a difference.

    Hacker News had a discussion last week about the "one thing you wish would happen in the next 10 years?".

    Hacker News is full of tech types (who will invent skynet and doom us all) so I expected the answers to be "fusion power", "AI", "super capacitors", "alien contact" etc.

    Those answers were all in there, but the top answer was:
    "Civilized discussion on hard topics"

    When the geeks are wishing for civilised discussion over cures for cancer and faster-than-light travel then I guess the state of reasoned discourse is in a bad way.
    Deleted member 33931 likes this.
  10. P J Thompson

    P J Thompson Active Member

    Just as posts by the likes of me will make no difference to and have no effect on, your good self. :)
  11. You could try a persuasive post and see.
  12. P J Thompson

    P J Thompson Active Member

    May as well try persuading a flat earther that the World is a globe :D
  13. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    Pretend to be T.Blair and he'd lap anything up.
    The man is so much more important than the message, its that simple with, DA.;)
  14. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

  15. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

    OK, Caption competition, I'll start:

    "Tony meine leibling, you put the towels on the sunbeds, I'll go and steal the breakfast buffet before the Greeks get there."
  16. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    Now you're complicating things.
    I shouldn't have been so gender specific, my bad.
    Think of the endless entertainment we could enjoy if these two actually posted on here with the sole intent of winding DA up.
    He'd be in knots in no time at all.
    And, JoT would provide the necessary lubrication towards greater entanglement.

    Not going to happen, but the predictable outcome would be hilarious, I'm sure.
    fillyboy likes this.
  17. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

  18. P J Thompson

    P J Thompson Active Member

    This post was made in this here thread by myself in response to DA saying that Germany acts for the benefit of the whole EU and can see the bigger picture. Admittedly, the post wasn't exactly deep down the bunny hole and was rather limited in scope but the 'facts' are there to be either accepted or refuted based on one exercising a modicum of research and an equal modicum of critical thought...I'd be happy for anyone to show me that the 'facts' are false and that my inference is askew.
    DA's response?
    Completely ignore it and start popping off at someone else about not liking Germans. :D

    Which seems to be a rather big part of the DA mo. Ie, ignore anything which might actually upset the one wheeled (well to be honest even that wheel is actually missing some spokes, a rim and a hub) applecart of a self righteously pompous and deluded world view, swerve it completely, attempt to render the discussion a tabloidesque/playground series of the full gamut of logical fallacies, try to grab some 'allies', give up on the thread entirely and start again on a rinse and repeat cycle next week....

    It's like talking to a petulant child or a NaN or a creationist. Your words don't even go in the one ear. They bounce straight back off the closed mind membrane.
    longboat and fillyboy like this.
  19. P J Thompson

    P J Thompson Active Member

    "So Tony, Margaret said you are her greatest achievement, what is your greatest achievement meine freund?"

    "U,u,u,uh, I,I,I,I, well that's a toughie. Could you define achievement for me before I,I,I answer?"

    "Yes certainly. Achievement. Something you have achieved. A goal or aim that you have succeeded in completing"

    "A,a,a,ah, I see, well......I saved Iraq from Saddam and I have left a very vital Legacy to the people of Britain and I,I,I believe, the World at large."

    "You're a tw@ Tony"

    "Yes, Angela. Yes, I am. But a rich one (inane devilish grin)
  20. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    "Nein, Nein, Nein, Tony"
    Forget the three 'E's'.
    We need the BFG.

    Biggot, Fascist, gerrymandering.

    Dat is good, ya.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2017

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