Harry Stottle
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Chips, how come you don't know about the pros and cons of leaving. I suspect you do know but if you really don't, here's a few for starters:What are the advantages of leaving and the disadvantages of leaving?
Advantages: Saving shed loads of money, retaining the ability to govern ourselves, control of our borders, freedom to trade globally, the right to fish in our own waters. an end to creeping federalism.
Disadvantages: Not so easy to travel to Europe, but we presently have to use passports and go through controls. New companies wanting to trade with Europe will require compliance with EU standards, but any company already trading with EU do that already, so it's not much of a disadvantage. Need to negotiate on things like European arrest warrants etc.
The point is we're leaving, so instead of being nasty to fellow Brits, leavers could do better by making the best of a good job and saying goodbye to being dragged down as a part a wasteful, interfering, bureaucratic, and inefficient organisation.